Yup the arse has fallen right out of it
If these c hunts sell aus post we will be all farked I recon
It depends on whether opposition companies emerge. In all honesty Australia Post is so bloody dear because they have a monopoly.
You are right but I can't see it ever getting cheaper once you pull your socks up you don't push em back down again do you.
I'm picking up what your putting down so we will just have to see. A few months ago the act rego de regulated 3rd party car insurance Nrma had a monopoly on it every one had to use them and it was dear as poision now there's several company's to choose from price stayed much the same its varying by a couple of cents so it never came down as every one expected
We won't see the low prices of the US but their postal service costs are way lower than ours due to competition. There is a LOT of fat in Australia Post and with competition they can afford to drop prices yet still remain profitable. Anywhere there is a monopoly (or duopoly like Coles and Woolies) the prices are driven up and stay up.
I try to do all my shopping in the bush or the garden fark em all
Banks are the greedyest fooks about,bastards.