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Anyone here into milling? I keep thinking about an Alaskan mill to generate some wood for house projects, but it's hard to find out much solid info on Australian woods. Good thing? Stay away?

Have a look in the milling and sawmill forum, Aussie BobL has a lot of good info in there, threads for beginners too.
Anyone here into milling? I keep thinking about an Alaskan mill to generate some wood for house projects, but it's hard to find out much solid info on Australian woods. Good thing? Stay away?

I have a GB Double Ender mill that I run either a 42" or 60" bar on. Only running one Husky 3120 as a powerhead. OK setup but they need a lot of modification to stay aligned. The standard locking setup to set slab width is crap. I ended up welding all sorts of other bits and pieces to it so it wouldn't shift mid cut. If you get the chance to have a close look at a mill you'll realise it is a very simple setup and quite easy to make even if you're half handy. If I ever need another chainsaw mill I'll make one myself.
Morning fellow bush babies ........... hmm so this old fella is not perfect as you's point out it's been a awful long time since I last went to school and I did whop a few days off when I should have attended and got my spelling learnt instead of chasing the young pretty girls
I have never had Stihl knock me back on a claim and I have done the odd big claim and no worries. Depends on if your dealer as Matt said unfortuently

it's not just my local dealer that's a prick been seeing a lot of problems with stihl dealers on shooting and other forums and the first thing they say is not enough oil in the fuel as a cop out.

one that come's to mind was a ms211 with a bodgy crank seal took it back and was told the oil bs and the it was tested in another shop in front of the owner and was found to have the buggered seal.

we need more benn*e trained dealers
They went from Spanish to Thai made mid run. Probably didn't help although the new Rangers are Thai (like nearly every current ute now) and they are bloody good. All modern utes have dropped in build quality compared to 10 years ago. Price is king.
I might keep my old slug lux then though your ranger goes well and the new dmax we sell at work is a nice bit of kit
it amazes me how much markup is on stihl products in ozz i dont mind big business making money but the prices they charge are extortion i spoke to a stihl dealer on the other side of town the other day winging about the price of saws i told him i can buy saws direct from the usa cheaper than his trade price also from fleabay cheaper than his price he told me that stihl australia are aware of this apparently they will be reviewing the priceing i told him that the price of the 660 is $1999 rrp but i remember the 066 the same price apparently stihl sales on saws are down 30% on last year it not a suprise to me
as a dealer it's been giving me the ***** for years. We get products here in our home owner ranges that may be only 20~25% more then in the us so maybe 50-100 more but then there's upto a 40-45% difference in some pro products. They have in the last couple year being doing big cash back on pro saws coupled with the pricing I run on bigger saws comes up pretty good. Even just researching up some prices on dolmars/makitas there price is much closer between models. Hopefully will know what's happening for winter soon. Will keep you all posted. On a side note I was asked to do a price survey on some of there parts pricing. It is part of a world wide survey so hopefully something good comes out of it. They have dropped quite a few prices already so hopefully more to come!
Is it an Australian delivered saw or sourced from the US? We get the high output oiler here as standard whereas the US saws don't. Stihl are getting a bit gay with their oilers though. Any equivalent Husky absolutely pours it out.
If it is an 09' onwards it will have the high out put oiler. This can be identified by looking at the control bolt (the flow adjusting screw) if it has the main screw driver slot and another small slot going 90 degrees to it to make a 't' shape indicates a high output pump. You can easily convert the std pump to a HO pump by getting the control bolt and piston from .9 to 1.15 throw I think. The housing is the same. I have a std pump in my 066 and haven't had a problem with it so far, must be a pretty healthy one
Mmm provided by reindeer in the 241C thread.

Speaking of which Stihl have made some interesting press releases in the UK recently:

Stihl GB has announced a new e-commerce solution that will enable its Approved Dealers to serve customers via a high quality online platform. From April 2014, Approved Dealers can add online sales to their STIHL and VIKING offer.

Many products will be available to order online for delivery to the customer’s place of work or home, while those which STIHL deems to require a detailed or personal handover such as chain saws and metal tool brush cutters will be available to ‘click and collect’.

Announcing the development, Robin Lennie, Managing Director of STIHL GB said: “The new STIHL e-commerce concept will ensure all our customers – both valued Approved Dealers and end users, can enjoy the benefits of online sales, whilst critically retaining the high service standards expected of our brands.”

STIHL continues to rely exclusively on the servicing dealer, but this latest change reflects the latest legal requirements within the EU as well as growing significance of the Internet for the power tool segment. The expanded online business will supplement the dealer’s local presence enabling customers to buy STIHL and VIKING at a time and place to best suit their needs.

You will see a lot of change coming I guaranty it. Dr Nikolas Stihl who took over as chairman of the advisory board and even since then we've already had quite a bit of change internally. There has been talk of this for a while now
Thanks Matty it looks tops
I had a really nice low hour McCulloch PM1000 I bought from a guy in California was bought to go on a kart till the penny dropped that they had bought the wrong engine it had never had bar oil in it as the oil pickup had been removed
Then some lowlife thieving mongrel stole it off me .........................
