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Who uses a pto circular saw for bucking their smaller firewood logs? Am looking at buying a used one to run off the tractor, but would prefer a self-powered one so the tractor can be used for other things at the same time. Thought I could get away with picking up heaps of such logs at a time with the FEL forks and log grab but they are never straight enough and there's always the last 1m or so to deal with separately anyway.
Who uses a pto circular saw for bucking their smaller firewood logs? Am looking at buying a used one to run off the tractor, but would prefer a self-powered one so the tractor can be used for other things at the same time. Thought I could get away with picking up heaps of such logs at a time with the FEL forks and log grab but they are never straight enough and there's always the last 1m or so to deal with separately anyway.

Don't know about over there but there thin on the ground here can run em off the tractor or land rover
Don't know about over there but there thin on the ground here can run em off the tractor or land rover
Pretty hard to find here too but there are a few around. Ideally, I don't want to handle the wood any more then necessary. If really bent then may have to buck on the landing, but if can cut it to reasonable straightish lengths then maybe load many with FEL into a long cradle and mow through the lot with chainsaw. If using the PTO saws I'd still have to buck into lengths small enough to handle.

Here's a few interesting ideas:

Who uses a pto circular saw for bucking their smaller firewood logs? Am looking at buying a used one to run off the tractor, but would prefer a self-powered one so the tractor can be used for other things at the same time. Thought I could get away with picking up heaps of such logs at a time with the FEL forks and log grab but they are never straight enough and there's always the last 1m or so to deal with separately anyway.

A 13hp honda should run that saw pretty good, using a tractor for that kind of job is a bit of a waste IMO. Those European firewood processors are rather neat and save a lot of manual labour but yer wood needs to be straight. I don't have that luxury unfortunately, so you have to go round chopping most bits with a chainsaw.
in kiwi land we took to boat and before we went far beyond captain called in a radio check and a lassy answered took the trip destination and return time. I ask is that gubberment or official system. Told no its a lady who lives out of Invercargil 200 clicks away .... Later we passed her house on a beach road and it was pointed out to me. Its covered in CB ariels and to way gear and I was told her son was lost at sea,,, she stays home taking care of all boats CQDX that part of NZ
house chores and driving instructor oh but i re conned a tree for a Powerfull owl box install with nice but flaky lady who wants to save native critters. but as we debate location i spy a chewed tail in the grass and its off a sugar glider oh dear opsy she see it and has moment of doubt realizing the owls will eat anything even the nice cute things.
I sorted by saying we will put a tenant agreement in side box instructing the Owls not to eat sugar glider just smelly possums,,, win.

they sure will, and that's a great idea that agreement...

I but some bearings in a crank case and mowed the lawn

that will keep you out of mischief Matty 2.

Been at a farm fair all day and got home at 7 if that counts for chainsaw related activities
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sounds like a big day for bennn*e, did you get a few sales or interest today mate.
So I spent the day on the old 9" grinder... think I would prefer running a 660 instead. And the sawdust is much more forgiving. And the 2-stroke sounds better, and... well you get my point lol.

I hear you on the 9 inch, hard work for sure.

I had a lay day today, 1st weekend off racing in 2 months, got to watch my eldest play his 1st soccer game of the season. He played with the men today in northern premiere league, but is still able to play YDL's (U18's).
A bunch of very fit young men and all had their timeing off a bit, my bloke missed at least 3 or 4 shots. Was great to watch tho.
Yeah, it always seems like a good idea to weld something twice as strong but when you want to remove it, not so much fun.

Sounds like a good Saturday Neil!
oh, its quiet here tonight, no one stuffed up a saw today or cut some fire wood or done some shooting.

Usually is on Friday here/Saturday there for some reason. I think everyone in Oz is looking for that plane northwest of Perth, according to the news we see here. Its either that, or everyone on your end is in the pub eating Vegemite and getting paralytic on Foster's beer, chanting: Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! Oi! Oi! Oi! ... We see a lot of that on the news here too.

Speaking of which, I am wearing my Ugg boots today. Its gotten cold here again.
Had a sleep in this morning as working nightshift tonight, yeah going for the vegemite right now too:D

Those elephant fish sure were full of embryo's that why we can catch em during oct/nov here cos they come in to lay the eggs in the sand