Good ol' BP Zoom 25-1
Well then they will fit in very well with all the Chinese stuff I have for the 090's
Genuine, no!....... though they are a very well made repo !...... the guy who had them made has put in alot of time and money!
Black wattle fire wood is highly prized by potters, the fast burning high heat makes it ideal for kilns, the bark was also once used in tanning leather.Acacia mearnsii black wattle its great fire wood when cured, hot clean easy to hand split this and Acacia melanoxylon also called black wood on my fire wood list
Yeah im not up to speed on the procedure.The cockie is still bad mouthing them for the stuff up and has moved his business.I dont think they could have done much more then supply a brand new loan tractor and fix the problem.Yea I'm going good, having a lay day today. Will work on saws today for next weekends racing.
Hot sets on Cummins engines must be tricky, they use a calculator to set the right clearance etc, I'm guessing the business in question made a claim on that job as I'm sure they would carry some form of safe guard against serious mistakes.
Could imagine the paper trail but and how it would go.
Morning all. Who's going cutting this weekend? Loading up the ute and splitter for a job this morning
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Aldi Taurus air compressor
https://www.aldi.com.au/en/special-buys/saturday-19-april-2014/saturday-detail-wk16/ps/p/air-compressor-set/?pk_campaign=Adwords&pk_kwd=SB14-Week16-1904-Brand-Broad-Air Tools
An impulse buy, was i done over? I never ever had one so was a dream to get one and set up it seems to be tip top nuff grunt and as upright fits neatly in my workshop corner
never seen an up right compressor before,, looks like a gas bottle with a egg beater thingy on top.....
Seriously, as long as it works fine, nothing else matters.....