the all aussie dribble thread!

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You turning anti gun on us......hope not
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you funny bloke ............... i ment loooooooooooooooooong way like this

shot this at 530 yards. and last year this rifle shot a group in the .1" area at 100 and i thought it was a fluke second pic and the therd pick is the sendero at 500

IMG_0937 (Small).JPG

and yes theres 3 in there
IMG_0193 (Medium).JPG
7mm mag sendero 2.5" at 500y
aaa6 (Small).JPG

and i don't know why but all me pics are screwed up site must be having a fit haha
Hey Darren you may find it easier to measure the outer edge of the bullet holes then delete the bullet diameter from the total. I've found it easier than trying to judge centres although there isn't much in it.
plus if you get right into it the hole is actually smaller than the bullet ;)

i usually measure 4 0r 5 times and take the average :clap::clap::clap:

but i do do that on the one hole groups not that i get many of them .
plus if you get right into it the hole is actually smaller than the bullet ;)

i usually measure 4 0r 5 times and take the average :clap::clap::clap:

but i do do that on the one hole groups not that i get many of them .

It depends on the sort of paper you use too. Proper target paper is pretty good but I've printed targets out on standard A4 and that can be pretty tough at times. You need to make some gauges up like the benchrest guys :)
Oh don't tell me bob's black and gold is not a real fake 090?? What is this world coming too :dizzy:

That's is a little confusing Rudi, ''not a real fake 090'', does that mean there's a cheap inferior copy ( Chinese 070) then there an even lower quality version called ''bobs black and gold'',,,,,,, sounds like Woolies Home Brand.

Any way I guess it doesn't matter, a dust collector is a dust collector regardless of whether it complete or a complete bitsa.
Mc Mc, Just curious as to the origin of the crank case on the yellow chow saw, as it per dates the 090!

It was amongst the 4 x 090's I got from up country I have been told that only the fan housing side is contra with the clutch side being 090 so now you telling me I have a halfbreed and therefore will be only half as fast as Neil's whoo hoo
power to the people ............ anyway better to look like half a Mac than a half a Stihl.

By the way Window licker has me blocked so he cant see what a real mans saw looks like poor sod
Oh so you have noticed .......................... I'm waiting on crank thrust washers from good old Stihl Australia should be here by the end of this week .... P.S and their not as fast as the chings with their service
Oh so you have noticed .......................... I'm waiting on crank thrust washers from good old Stihl Australia should be here by the end of this week .... P.S and their not as fast as the chings with their service

That's your dealer not Stihl Australia. Benny gets things for me overnight.
That's is a little confusing Rudi, ''not a real fake 090'', does that mean there's a cheap inferior copy ( Chinese 070) then there an even lower quality version called ''bobs black and gold'',,,,,,, sounds like Woolies Home Brand.

Any way I guess it doesn't matter, a dust collector is a dust collector regardless of whether it complete or a complete bitsa.

One for the ages, ''not a real fake 090''. Quite the paradox.

Of course I have McFlea on my iggy list, so I only see the indirect postings here. More amusing this way, and I am not exposed to the toxic effect of direct exposure.

OH my lord, get a look at the bumble bee, I bet he's prowd of that, was his original intension years ago with the original alki job which nothing ever transpired from,,,, it just faded away.

My advise if it must be painted into some non descript colour scheme, repaint the starter yellow, too much black.
Chris those bits missing are no concern mate, shelf queens can have bits missing and still be shelf queens. I don't think that old cylinder is even bolted down, top just sitting there, give it a shake and bits will fall everywhere.
One for the ages, ''not a real fake 090''. Quite the paradox.

Of course I have McFlea on my iggy list, so I only see the indirect postings here. More amusing this way, and I am not exposed to the toxic effect of direct exposure.

It gets a bit like a one sided argument until someone quotes his post.
God you fellas get cut over a old heap of you know what getting a face lift your muthers would be proud of you's get a life anyway what sits on shelving is my concern not your's young fella so tut tut to you and yours

Love and kisses McBob.
Well, the ''not a real fake 090'' also has me wondering, are there any Chicom fake 661s out in Oz yet? I would presume that they would be based on the first edition with the faulty cylinder, and thus fail the same way. I also presume that there are enough 661s out there for the Chinese copy specialists to get their hands on to tear down and mass produce.
OH my lord, get a look at the bumble bee, I bet he's prowd of that, was his original intension years ago with the original alki job which nothing ever transpired from,,,, it just faded away.

My advise if it must be painted into some non descript colour scheme, repaint the starter yellow, too much black.
Chris those bits missing are no concern mate, shelf queens can have bits missing and still be shelf queens. I don't think that old cylinder is even bolted down, top just sitting there, give it a shake and bits will fall everywhere.
If memory serves me correct that bumble bee saw is sitting on a Garbage bin... how appropriate !
Ok,lets get this clear,im not asking for a video,fark that would be asking too much,but can we have a picture of all your 090s lined up in one photo,you obviously have the means to post pics ,lets have it