First off, I would like to echo the sentiments offering thanks to all of those with access to various manuals and their willingness to share them. It is often difficult for those of us without "connections" to easily obtain ipls and shop/repair manuals...your collective generosity is most definitely appreciated! I don't get here often...usually when I am trying to find out the best way to tackle a tree-related problem. I have learned quite a bit from "lurking" on this forum and been exposed to some vendors that I have never previously heard of. I have historically done all of my maintenance/repair on everything that I own, so access to factory procedures and specs is quite valuable to me. Forum members were extremely helpful to my earlier posting regarding my 266SE (still waiting on some backordered parts-but it WILL live!). My heartfelt thanks to all participants for their insight and time.
I had just pm'd a member regarding the ipls and shop manuals for my Stihl MS180C and MS460 Magnum...before I had read that it was a better idea to post a message and include my email-sorry if I screwed up :help:
My email is:
[email protected]
Thanks, once again!