Thanks for the parts breakdown David
Does anyone have a shop manual or a owners manual for my 371
thanks David
Does anyone have a shop manual or a owners manual for my 371
thanks David
Once again I come here to ask for help!
I do not have any literature for my Homelite XL 2 Automatic, and it does not work!
In the synaletic its written:
Serial No. 50272101
Made in U.S.A. Pat. Pending
I am going to desmantle it to check what is worng, and I suppose also the carburator is not tunned up...
So please, if you have some information or literature about this machine, please send me a PM, or post it here to help me!
Thank you in advance!
Best regards,
Carlos Sousa
I need a workshop manual and IPL for a Stihl 020
Chris j graciously sent me a 020t but it is way newer than my 020 avp
I need a workshop manual and IPL for a Stihl 020
Chris j graciously sent me a 020t but it is way newer than my 020 avp
I could use a shop manual for a 038 farmboss
OK, guys!
Here I am again with some questions... Anyone can help me?
Here it is one picture from my Homelite XL 2 Auto.
I still don´t have any literature for my machine, so...
Can you please tell me what is the function of each screw I point in the pic? A? B? C?
The screw I point with the number "1" I think it should not be there... This should be a hole to let the air come in the gas tank, to avoid the depression has the gas is being consumed, right?
Well, many thanks for your help!
Best regards for everyone,
Carlos Sousa
After an IPL for a Stihl 041av, I have some but they only cover the fb, g, and quickstop models. Can forward as required.
Anyone have a Husky 77 shop manual? Not on the Husky site anywhere that I can find.