The boss is skipping town on everyone

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I'm talking to the guy this afternoon, and I doubt he'll do anything a normal MAN would do. Instead of getting his ass back out there working with a bonus from me, he's probably just going to take his corroded self image and soled up ego back to a trailer or something, lay low, and screw up some random customer/employee lives. I know he can't make money on his own, but he'd have real income by next Friday. Oh well. The guy is going out on his own again....I guess.....a lone nut w/ a side kick ego. The guy just job contract cancer, but certainly sells them on what ever he's selling.

Isn't there a book about persuading people to do what you think is best? What is it?
I've worked with a few good salesmen. Why is it the good salesmen are all nuts? I have a hunch what it is, but.....
Tom, surely you can see that this guy is just a troll. No one can be as dumb as this guy appears and still be able to breathe.

A resident of Union County, TN would vehemently disagree with you on that point. Well if he wasn't such a dumbs he would.
Is this a joke or what? lmao

If this guy is for real your are both a complete embarrassment to the tree industry as a whole...

This CAN NOT be real. You both belong in a mental ward like Bellveiw lol. I did get some good chuckles out of it. Thanks Bob for letting us play with the "new chew toy" LMFAO!!!

Film at 11
"Drama Moma and the Skell"
ROF :msp_w00t:

Go getum Genius make um pay for posting on this site still ROF..............

This is way better than burning tele poles LOL:clap:
No pics.

I'm talking to the guy this afternoon, and I doubt he'll do anything a normal MAN would do. Instead of getting his ass back out there working with a bonus from me, he's probably just going to take his corroded self image and soled up ego back to a trailer or something, lay low, and screw up some random customer/employee lives. I know he can't make money on his own, but he'd have real income by next Friday. Oh well. The guy is going out on his own again....I guess.....a lone nut w/ a side kick ego. The guy just job contract cancer, but certainly sells them on what ever he's selling.

Isn't there a book about persuading people to do what you think is best? What is it?

What kind of dump truck do you have? A friend of mine needed some work done but a large truck won't fit through their gate. Do you have a picture of your truck I could forward to them?
This was funny, then all the no-it-alls called bs. Why not let the dweeb have his delusions?
This was funny, then all the no-it-alls called bs. Why not let the dweeb have his delusions?

Probably because most of them have not been in his position, a confrontational enviroment in the workplace can be very stressful. I'd hazard a guess that many of these people don't realize how good they've had it and take life for granted.

The unlucky are nothing more than a frame of reference for the lucky. You are unlucky, so I may know that I am not. Unfortunately the lucky never realizes they are lucky until it's too late. Take yourself for instance; yesterday you were better off than you are off today but it took today for you to realize it. But today has arrived and it's too late. You see? People are never happy with what they have. They want what they had, or what someone else has.
-The Rabbi
Probably because most of them have not been in his position, a confrontational enviroment in the workplace can be very stressful. I'd hazard a guess that many of these people don't realize how good they've had it and take life for granted.

The unlucky are nothing more than a frame of reference for the lucky. You are unlucky, so I may know that I am not. Unfortunately the lucky never realizes they are lucky until it's too late. Take yourself for instance; yesterday you were better off than you are off today but it took today for you to realize it. But today has arrived and it's too late. You see? People are never happy with what they have. They want what they had, or what someone else has.
-The Rabbi

Damn that's some deep #### for a semi tarded polar bear. :msp_biggrin:

So I guess I'm going to talk to a few customers today. One of them I'm in with well, and she still has to pay her half of a bill she went in half with a neighbor. Another tree customer from long ago actually called the police on the boss to have him put in the county mental ward for 24 hours on suicide watch. They hand cuffed him on the HO's property, and they handed him in. The boss said something about what happened was because the HO misinterpreted him, but I is leaning towards he is a liar, and I want to hear what the customer says.

Then there is the last customer to talk to today. I'm going to explain the bosses behavior and BS business practices to him, and see if I cannot get payment for the work I did over there. I'll get a repair guy to quote the repair work, and I'll let the HO pay him, and cut me the remainder of the bill. I can probably get the stump removal work from him too. Otherwise boss is just telling me he's not giving me a dime unless I fix the roof, and that he just wants to do what is right. :dizzy: What is right is he's liable. I was about to pay for that roof as an employee, but when the chit hit the fan, I said no way.

Then there is the boss's wife. I know where she lives. I'll just stop by to show her some of these texts from the boss to confirm any of her suspicions about him. It's no wonder she lives in the house, and he's been living in the camper trailer at the RV park.

This is nuts. Now I'm going to basically go to the State License Board, so they can deny him any contracting license privileges for the rest of his life, and I'm going to go on line to explain the guy's character and methods on review boards.

This guy spiked live trees, and he even fell out of a tree with a power pruner. He's not just a hack. He's dumb scum.

As one with a reasonably good legal mind who has written my own contracts since I was eleven, and helped out guys, in here, to come up with various waivers, contracts, etc. I am telling you that you really need to be careful with what you're doing with your boss's business. While he may not have a good grip on reality, right now, for whatever reason, you cannot simply assume his role on collecting checks, paying yourself, your crew, etc., unless he specifically gave you the power to do so via a written, firm contract or agreement to terms. If you're not careful, and he comes around to his senses, you may find yourself on the losing end of a lawsuit and be out far more than what you may think, depending on the laws in your local jurisdiction. The best thing to do is move on, start your own company, get your boss's former clients in your fold and work hard to gain their loyalty. Of course, this presupposes that your boss did not have you fill out a non-competition agreement and that his clients are not locked into using his services under some exclusivity contract. Yeah, the law is a :censored:, but it's the law, nonetheless. Be careful. FWIW: Posting, in here, is probably not the best idea, if you want to straddle the legal fence.
This morning's meeting with the climber/sales guy went well. I learned some things about his personal situation that are seriously credible to our business. Might be getting the stump grinder/s sooner than I ever thought. I still have to meet the old boss today, but based on an email and a text I received from him today he is ready to take the sales position with his substantial client list. This day is going well so far.
This morning's meeting with the climber/sales guy went well. I learned some things about his personal situation that are seriously credible to our business. Might be getting the stump grinder/s sooner than I ever thought. I still have to meet the old boss today, but based on an email and a text I received from him today he is ready to take the sales position with his substantial client list. This day is going well so far.

I see its crackthirty somewhere !