Innocent By Stander
Is the west coast branch of Webbster's Tree Service? 
Damn that's some deep #### for a semi tarded polar bear. :msp_biggrin:
If this guy is for real your are both a complete embarrassment to the tree industry as a whole...
This CAN NOT be real
Real,, go to the archives or use the search,,he knows nothing about trees, ID, pruning, etc,,,,, just a hack ripping off people who are looking thru the Penny Saver or Craigs list. It will be all down hill for poor Ed,, yes Ed W. Like I said, I know who he is.
I just made my neighbor's dog the new owner of the company.
IMPOSSIBLE!!! He works for me as a climber! I wonder if FTA needs some work? Anybody heard from him lately?![]()
What part of cali you in? I need another climber. 818.299.0155
A boss should never make an employee pay for damage. You should start working for someone else.
I'm good too......
This morning's meeting with the climber/sales guy went well. I learned some things about his personal situation that are seriously credible to our business. Might be getting the stump grinder/s sooner than I ever thought. I still have to meet the old boss today, but based on an email and a text I received from him today he is ready to take the sales position with his substantial client list. This day is going well so far.
I just made my neighbor's dog the new owner of the company.
Holly crap what a great idea... I am gonna do the same thing... my dog is a black lab so that will make me a minority contractor.
Who needs a climber? Save yourself some money and get a good trampoline and a chainsaw and yell "yippee ka aye motha ducka" as ur cutting... We all win