The "Busted Up Loggers" Thread

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Two years ago, I broke eight ribs, collapsed both lungs, cut my liver in half, cut my spleen up pretty good(i think the word they used was lacerated), and broke a bunch of tabs off my vertebrates. I feel a little stiff/sore in cold weather, but feel lucky otherwise. The guy with me broke his legs into multiple pieces. We were on an old logging road running parallel to a river when the bank collapsed.
Two years ago, I broke eight ribs, collapsed both lungs, cut my liver in half, cut my spleen up pretty good(i think the word they used was lacerated), and broke a bunch of tabs off my vertebrates. I feel a little stiff/sore in cold weather, but feel lucky otherwise. The guy with me broke his legs into multiple pieces. We were on an old logging road running parallel to a river when the bank collapsed.

Damn man!! in a skidder i presume?
If you can remember these logging trucks,....Well ya have been around awhile.

Back in the late sixties and early Seventies, my dad still ran a few old L series Mack off-highway trucks. The predecessor of the B Model. They were ancient even back then. No spring loaded or air ride seats either. And they grossed out at about 150,000 pounds, just like the modern off highway trucks back in the day. If only I had taken some photos. But I thought it would last forever. Or so I thought.
Yup...none of those kids have heard the sound of their own bones breaking...yet. Getting there fast isn't nearly as good as getting there every time.

And I'm ignorning the other part of your post with the fru-fru fabrics and glitter and pink hickory shirts and such. At the next GTG you'll probably glow in the dark.

And why can't we just run a Cat up in those corners the yarder can't hit? It won't tear the ground up. Well, not too much.

The only bone I've broken that could be associated with logging, is a toe when I kicked a logger by accident in Karate Class. It hurt. please send cheese. And I had to keep working on it. Violin music I seem to do muscles and cartileges in the woods. They make nice popping noises. And the :censored: road will be blocked so I have to hobble on down and drive myself in. I'm thinking aged sharp cheddar will do--or that good garlic cheese from Willows or Humboldt County

Yes, and you have to use a yarder even though there are ancient skid trails throughout the unit. And the only answer to why you have to shut down for owls that might be nesting on Feb. 28, and the guys across the road don't have to, is because we obviously knew you'd be logging here and we don't like you...And yes, you need to have a fire truck on the sale even if it is only a level II day. No, you can't have a skid trail in the creek. No, you can't yard through the creek even if it does have excellent deflection.

What Part Of No Don't You Understand?

Geesh, now I feel so negative.
less glamorous...timber scouting in a yamaha rhino. a lot can happen in a 30 ft. vertical drop and rhinos are heavy! chainsaws and equipment gone. i love insurance!!!
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AOD tomorrow night when he goes trick or treating
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I have seen some of those "elders" in the woods. They can't get around very well in their walkers. Hey Gologit do you have all-terrain wheels on yours?


Hell yes! Us Cali-Loggers are high tech all the walker is motorized, four-wheel drive, self leveling, and has two cup-holders.

I'm pretty sure i'm older than Gary, but not older than Bob...and I have drank a whole lot of beer....during this beer drinking there may have been some tall tales about running a saw...does any of this count???:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:


Well, it's a start I guess. Help Oldirty with the beer, will ya? Maybe if you have any tattoos...that you don't remember getting? That'd help.
Well, it's a start I guess. Help Oldirty with the beer, will ya? Maybe if you have any tattoos...that you don't remember getting? That'd help.

Hey Bob,,,

Dont get him mixed up with that wacked out Climber,,, (Dirty 'll have him all jacked out of shape) :greenchainsaw:

I already recruited him for the beer hustling duties and helping out on tha BBQ
pit and saw bench,,,,,,,, hes a pretty good saw tech too!!!!
Hey.....I'se a lager.....I climb 'em, tho, most of da time.....Ergo, I've cut em into 2 million pieces.....

Some of 'em mighta even sailed all the way to that thar boreal Mannytuba foret....and landed on a "reel" logger....

better wear that head cheese bucket, Homey boy......
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Just what we need, more ground compaction...:) Don't be using it on saturated ground...:cheers:
Now, gotta go fix the broken fingernail.... ground compaction. Low pressure high flotation tires only. Air-ride seat. GPS navigation. Did I mention the cupholders?

And I'll bet you kicked that logger in Karate class on purpose. The toe was karma.
Hey.....I'se a lager.....I climb 'em, tho, most of da time.....Ergo, I've cut em into 2 million pieces.....

Some of 'em mighta even sailed all the way to that thar boreal Mannytuba foret....and landed on a "reel" logger....

better wear that head cheese bucket, Homey boy......

LOL...He probably won't show up busy working toward his three millionth tree. Or twig, or grass stem, whatever.