The "Busted Up Loggers" Thread

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Randymac, impressive pic!!

I had a bystander (in a camping area) that was with the boss. Watch me drop half a dozen 30"-38" dbh spruce ask me why I wanted to log.

I replied "because it beats the hell out of working for a living". He went white around the gills.

Made my day.

Count all the ones that you remember- not the ones you were told about!

Ratings at the bottom Blackjack chewing gum
Wax Coke-shaped bottles with colored sugar water
Candy cigarettes
Soda pop machines that dispensed bottle
Coffee shops with tableside jukeboxes
Home milk delivery in glass bottles with cardboard stoppers
Party lines
Newsreels before the movie
P.F. Flyers
Butch wax
Telephone numbers with a word prefix (Olive - 6933)
Howdy Doody
45 RPM records
S&H Green Stamps
Metal ice trays with lever
Mimeograph paper
Blue flashbulb
Roller skate keys
Cork popguns
Wash tub wringers
Using hand signals for cars without turn signals
Pant leg clips for bicycles without chain guards

If you remembered 0-5 = You're still young

If you remembered 6-10 = You are getting older

If you remembered 11-15 = Don't tell your age

If you remembered 16-25 = You're older than dirt!

I guess I'm in the 11-15 group..LOL!! Brad should know this being from his area...Kroger used to give out top value stamps...Mom got some hair clippers frm her stamps and tryed them out on us kids when we was so young,well,,my brother went first,,and I seen the gaps in his head and the blood in spots,,so I was next and ran outta the door screamin my :censored: off and my Grandpa thought someone was tryin to kill me....LOL!! Anyways...I never and was lucky I or my Dad and Grandpa never got hurt in the woods.No ppe back then,,trees hung up and pulled em down the rest of the was with the tractor,,Barber chair frm hell,(I'll never forget that one,,flung the saw outta my Dad,s hands )..Prob. why I'm half deaf frm Dad runnin Mcc's..Best thing I was tought was how to manage these woods,,and like my Dad always said,,there is enough to last a lifetime and for years on down...
LMAO Dodger...

Manitoobian forest:


PNW forest (Hmm... only had room for one tree in the pic):



I love that pic. But I think the two fellas on the right are stoned!!
The guy on the far right just showed up to supply and watch the show(he dosent have caulks on and no dust on him!) hahaha
Pictures from this morning. I believe our 6 months of mildew has begun as of today, and I had to put these on maximum bright in my picture editing program. All you could see if it wasn't touched up, was the lights of the cat.
The ground is still dry so they can run. That's another reason why yarder logging is used frequently out here, if you can get trucks in and out, you can yarder log all year, except when the fire danger gets too high, and if your ground is the right shape/slope. I've got a lot of other pictures on the Forestry Logging forum. I can whine that everybody else was in a cab this morning. I was out in the rain and melted....


A closer up of the grapple.


At the landing.


There's a saying around here, that "if you ain't backing the cat up, you'd better have a turn of logs behind it." I wonder what the neck x rays look like on some of the older guys?

Oh, I scored--Older than dirt. Now I really am depressed!:cry: :cry:
But I loved to play "Movie Star" and dress up and pretend to puff on the candy cigarettes. :cool:
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Hi Gary!!!............This post just makes me laugh every time I see it....

That Manitoobian forest: is the home of Big Foot ...Known as Holmie ...

Yeah it is a good one!!!!!!!

Why would someone who gets mincemeated like that feel lucky? :confused:

Rocket Donnnnnnn'key,,,,, Could it be that he is stihl alive,,,,, and glad that he is??????? :buttkick:
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Yeah it is a good one!!!!!!!

Rocket Donnnnnnn'key,,,,, Could it be that he is stihl alive,,,,, and glad that he is??????? :buttkick:

Yup, I just had a load of turkey manure dumped in my car, darn I'm lucky! Someone just gave me a swirlee, darn I'm lucky! A doberman just mistook my balls for a kibbles and bits snack, darn I'm lucky! I just fell into a grain silo had my guts torn out--darn I'm lucky! lol
Yup, I just had a load of turkey manure dumped in my car, darn I'm lucky! Someone just gave me a swirlee, darn I'm lucky! A doberman just mistook my balls for a kibbles and bits snack, darn I'm lucky! I just fell into a grain silo had my guts torn out--darn I'm lucky! lol

BTW,,,, Love the new Avatar,,,,,,, :givebeer: :clap: :popcorn:

Hey Space,,,,,, What's a swirliee?????
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Interestingly, I never really liked beer. But, for the heck of it, I bought a six pack of Corona's the other night, and I actually liked it pretty well. :)
