You have a point there...many actually. The thing is this business consumes a guy leaving little time or energy for anything else. I am too stubborn to let someone else do the work for me and not willing to get set up where I could hire people and treat them properly. I am not one to send guys out to break their ***** ( and everything else) while I count the proceeds.
Like I said , there are many reasons why I feel its time. One being statistics... which I would rather not be.
You know, money was never really a motivator for me, I'm just not built that way. I am not a businessman by any stretch. I am getting bored of saying the same stuff over and over to clients. The thrill is gone... well not entirely, the thought of the climb still warms my cockles, the challenge of chasing deadwood through a big stick brings on a sense of security, the feel of a fresh chain on 20 gets me jittery, counting wood chips as they fly off the 44 is bewildering, getting my chipper where no man has gone before is fun , the fact that top rate is still what is was 10 years ago? Well now I am getting pissed off. Why should the slack come out of my ass?
I am also at the point where my business needs to grow or die and I am not that interested. I can still pick up climbing work, its kinda tough though considering i know and see way to ####ing much.
Change is the only real constant.
P.S. that knee surgery didn't go so well.
You go and do what you feel you have to do... Just as long as you stick around here. With out you, who would bring the Pink Floyd feeling to the forum.