Spent the weekend on small thinning/beetle prevention job in a national park, above the inversion, which was ultra nice. A friend of mine has an old house/setlement there, which has the right to get wood for repairs and firewood from the forests around-goes some 100 years back this way, so some 10 cords were to make along the way. 30 deg slope, spruce 6"-14", 80-130+ ft tall-quite damn too much for the location and DBH, doghaired stand and snaggy tops at places. Some tricky snags around the house too. So far, so good and kinda relax.
A bunch of our friends were assigned to carry the firewood outta the stand, as part of the stand was directly adjacent to the house-the sawlogs from the rest will go out by horses in the winter. Most of them were people who I actualy quite liked-till this weekend. Those exemplary a$$holes don´t realize and care what snaggy top means, how far it can reach, walking in the lay of a tree I´m just wedging over, two minutes after I told them I´m gona lay a tree right there and that it will sure bring down a shover of branches. "It is thin, so it is small and no problem or danger outta it". Watchers silently sneaking 5 ft behind me right into place where I´m gonna swing the saw on escape, bitching about "give ´er a whack, or better get outta there, we will push it over by hands, what th f**k with it" while I´m tenderly tapping a wegde trying my best not to stumpbreak a 100ft, 7" DBH matchstick with sunflower-like, snow-broken crown leaning 8 ft backwards, so flimsy I could get two visible wawes in the stem. One of thee folks grabbing the friends saw, as he is "experienced" with it (how he didn´t get killed or didn´t kill someone in past years he was helping him is beyond me) and making one helluva mess of high stumps with cuts sloping in all directions. Cross-sloping undercut with sloping backcut done from the downhill side was very new for me, I must admit, as well as attempt on underbucking a hanger with springpoled branches still uncut from the bottom part... Kids (4-7 years) were the least trouble, because somehow a look and wawing a hand was pretty enought to direct them to safe place. Even when they took posession of my axe and used it somewhere in the brush for a day, so I had to borrow one-mine was nicely placed along other upon final tool recolection, with edge OK.
Pretty mixed feelings-given the scenery and weather, nice two days with a saw in the mountains, which I missed for a long time-but I think I´ve lost some friends, since I can´t have any respect for them and several of them I can´t probably stand anymore...