The Descriptive Process

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So story time

bought a bigger equipment trailer Saturday, took all day to get it sorta legal and home.]

Monday morning I run a load in the 5yd truck, only to blow the headgasket in it on the way out of the pit. Awesome... limp it home, dump the load (neighbors place)

Go to work on the new trailer so I can move the excavator this week, rewire completly weld on some proper safety chains etc

wednesday, hook up trailer only to find brakes no work at al... turns out the folks *helping* get it going really wanted it bad, and had adjusted the slacks all the way off... which is a whole new learning curve for me, 2 hours later everything seems like its working, drive the hour north load up the missus as a test run, deliver missus not problems

Except thats when the brakes decided to lock up and burn up 2 tires almost instantly... 2 hours later, get the brakes unstuck and limp it to the nearest tire shop... where they dont have tires instock.

So since the little truck is dead, I decide to move the old little trailer with the big truck, which is all fine and good, except that the big truck isnt wired for electric brakes, no big deal as long as I dont need to slam on the brake right... right thats when some yahoo in a blazer towing a minuture trailer decides to just hang a left at 55mph right in front of me... this would be the first of several times I got sideways this week... didnt crash, but left lots of tire behind

Thursday, go fer a motor psycho ride, while I wait on tires, once again sideways when someone pulled out infront of me... and again because of deer.. ******* deer... didnt help I as doing better then double the speed limit...

Anyway, got the trailer back late tonight, guess I get to spend tomorrow figuring out the brakes, towed it home with brakes disconnected...
Brake adjusters from memory turn the slack adjuster in all the way in then back off a quarter roughly the same for electric brakes as well.

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Yeah... they turned em until they where all the around the other way.

Doesnt help the hex was rounded off and needed to use a pipe wrench, or that this is my first go at adjusting air brakes. I'll get it sorted, just one more thong thar needs my attention
the on going saga of the trailer brakes

2 hours tracking down parts this morning, with zero luck, not even some lug nuts...

get the first wheel pulled off so I can take all the pieces i need to replace in and match em up, (hey Im noob to air brakes). Go to the BiGGEST truck dealer in the area, where the kid behind the counter says to me, *Ive worked here 2 years and never seen brakes like that* Ok fine, so Ill just have to have the one set relined... later... how about lug nuts and studs cause 2 are broken or missing.

Note: just budd wheels nothing fancy

2 ******* hours later....

after sending the kid back 4 times to find 2 each of right and left thimbles, and right and left nuts, you know standard gods damned truck lug nuts

Annnd 3 times to find the nuts for the new studs, clearly marked on the big picture on the counter in front of me, at 1-1 scale even

The studs they dont have

Bushings they only have plastic

So, they send out to the next store 1hr drive away...

Please note, it probably would have saved me time to drive all the way to the other store, then to wait for these morons to figure out simple stuff, as it was i still needed to come back later tonight to pic up the parts they didnt have in stock

Remember dudes been there 2 years, and cant identify BUDD wHEELS!

In all 6 hours lost just finding parts, 3 of which just from shear incompetence...

Next time Ill drive the hour north for parts. Ironically the store that dont have the parts, is bigger, and in a port city
Budd is a brand stud pilot might help them out, then you have hub, and Dayton style.

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The other thing...

Found a "shim" where the bushing should go, some jack ass cut up an stp can and completely blocked the grease ports, also causing the old plastic bushing to collapse onto the s cam. And they added springs between the slacks and cans.

Its amazing what just a little grease can solve
Almost looks like a dawg found your hand or you hand found the dawg either way ouch.

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this was supposed to go in falling pics, but **** happened, the pic above is the aftermath of pushing that running chain away from my face.

Logging is dangerous and stuff... and I should probably buy a lottery ticket, or a cape

Spring boards are never real safe to begin with, and wrong handing the saw is doubly unsafe, but needs must risk and reward etc, learn from my mistakes

Glad it was your palm instead of your finger or face. Also glad you didn’t get cut much worse.

50 years ago I cut my thumb almost completely off at the main joint. I held it on on the trip to the er. It hurt when bumped for over ten years and I still find myself from time to time unconsciously grabbing and holding it as if it were still dangling loose.

Any second thoughts about whether it would have been safer to cut the small stem first.

Meh bout the same one to the other, both sides need boards, both sides are too narrow to squeeze the saw into.

Ill just have to think a little harder before yanking on the saw to pull it out of the cut.

Really though the big side is marginally safer, as it was leaning a little harder, and had the weight to pull itself free of the little stem, the little stem needs to get chucked into standing leave trees, making it more likely to get hung up, so meh

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