Just wondering. Twas’t there nor qualified, just thinking to myself about falling the small one first to make a perch to fall the big one. Boards are for folks who know more than me and who are more sure footed. Thanks, Ron
Just wondering. Twas’t there nor qualified, just thinking to myself about falling the small one first to make a perch to fall the big one. Boards are for folks who know more than me and who are more sure footed. Thanks, Ron
I assume you left a drill bit sitting on the tire and it created that little hole at 2:00. What happen in the politicalsaw, I mean chainsaw, forum? Ron
Feed rate to aggressive (read rapid travel) or sketchy work holding, that or trying to use an endmill as a drill and or reamer.FAAAAHCK! I bet @northmanlogging knows what happened.
Also, I remembered why I stay out of the chainsaw forum today.
God damn trucks are expensive. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a crummy, but it’s just an XLT without many add ons.
I could buy a decent 160 for not much more than that.
It has to be demand.
I've been wrong before but I recall a time where a small car was 20k and a full size 4x4 pickup was 30k. Now a small car is........20k, and a full size pickup is............. 50-60k.
And that's gas. God forbid a guy want's a diesel.