The Descriptive Process

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pft silicosis isn't that bad...

what in all Hel are you hand digging that crud for?
My smallest digging tool that isn’t a shovel is a 580 Case backhoe. I couldn’t wiggle it back into a few spots and had to move the chit where the backhoe could pull it out. I was also a long way from the shop and didn’t want to go get a big enough rotary saw to cut 8” concrete into pieces easy to chunk out.

One of my competitors takes a Yanmar ViO 35 to every job. I understand why after this. That cute little excavator fits almost anywhere and could have done in an hour what I did in seven. It also helps that it can be moved down the road without a CDL at greater than 25 miles per hour.
It’s alright, I drove a truck with a 10 speed that’s just a 5 stacked on top of the low range for the first time in a long time Monday... Early morning. Apparently starting to float into reverse because you blew past the barely existant spring pressure and went up and to the left where ya meet some resistance like an 8, 9, 13 or 18 speed when you just went up into high range is bad for the truck. :confused:
That big fir log may of had a few feet head start before it reached the wheel...

Pretty much every vehicle I own is a manual trans, all of them have a different shift pattern, the closest is the War Dept's beloved Volvo, which is like a 4sp version of a 13/18spd (cause who uses low 1st anyway) even has a button for overdrive, and the forskin thing for reverse lockout, so I keep floating gears when I drive it... the War Dept gets mad at me lol.

The worst would be jumping from my dump truck, which is a deep reduction 13spd, but drives normally like a 10spd to an old style real 13spd, cause the shifters are identical, but the 3 way positioner is laid out different... A low low low (hey pa, are we even ******* moving low), B direct, C High vs A direct, B High, C overdrive, and you forget about 1st gear spot... but not on deep reduction 13 oh no... that dude is important...
Or the really annoying one is Larry the dozer, 2 stick shifter, too fast and faster, and forward reverse... but some smart ass made reverse the forward postion... grrr

It pains me to admit it, but I’m not god’s gift to driving a manual transmission. I need some time in a specific truck, or at least that transmission or I’ll look like a moron for the first ten minutes to a half hour trying to figure out how many RPM between gears and where the engine likes to be shifted. I learned on an 18 speed, drove them or the 8LL seemingly forever and it’s almost ingrained in my motor skills as that’s how a heavy truck shifts. Synchro boxes are a different story.

I have a friend with two antique tractors. One is a Peterbilt that has a 3408 Cat with a Spicer 5x4, twin sticks. The other is a KW W900 with a buzzin’ dozen and a 6x4. In the KW if you go to wave at somebody you’re either lugging it or winding it way out. The same guy has a Mack CF telesquirt with the big Mack 892 V8 and a 5 speed Mack transmission. That thing is fun. The gears have been ground enough where there’s some slop and you can probably have it ~100 RPM off and it goes nicely into gear.
Just have fun with you, my friend.

I feel your pain. Computers and me don't get along well. I have an iPad that is possessed. Can't watch a YouTube to conclusion without it flicking from application to application. Even types passwords and Google searches on its own. Rebooting will fix it momentarily then it takes off again. Daughter's boyfriend says it is the digitizer whatever that is. Go on YouTube and I can fix it myself. While holding up her now partially functioning phone, my daughter just shakes her head and says don't let him (BF) touch it.

Just have fun with you, my friend.

I feel your pain. Computers and me don't get along well. I have an iPad that is possessed. Can't watch a YouTube to conclusion without it flicking from application to application. Even types passwords and Google searches on its own. Rebooting will fix it momentarily then it takes off again. Daughter's boyfriend says it is the digitizer whatever that is. Go on YouTube and I can fix it myself. While holding up her now partially functioning phone, my daughter just shakes her head and says don't let him (BF) touch it.

I was ok with puters at one time, early windows stuff, even Dos... but I've been away from it for awhile, and it seems every new system has its own language you have to learn... and all the hot keys I depended on don't work... I'm NOT THAT OLD fer fawks sake
its sunday... 10:30, knee still not 100%, spent most of yesterday adjusting brakes and greasing both trucks, including loader (the loader is a trapeze act on a good day, add in only being able to climb with one leg well)

Today, I get to crawl back under the Dumb truck to do some overhead welding on the fabricobbled exhaust. and I really don't wanna

Should have done it yesterday, but some moron took out a power pole, so power was out from like 11am to after 9pm... While I have the engine drive, MIG makes a better exhaust weld... and damnit I was already tired
I hate it when the idiots decide it’s their time to cream a pole. Especially when I’m in district, at night, making fire calls.

All I have to complain about is being rudely awakened at 03:19 this morning and being the only person to show at our station... When our two stations are covering the whole south side of the county.