Ye Ole essavator took a dump on me this morning, hopefully just a sensor, I've been fighting with it for a year or so, and its finally gone completely ****... Pape wants $661. for it, Ebay wants $58... shipping time is identical... fair to say I'm completely done with the johnny Deere dealer... I do a better job of looking up parts anyway
So I hop in the self loader, where I almost immediatly tore the end off the stick cylinder... then having to unload the 3 little logs with not stick control... cause no way in Hell they were riding back to the barn with me...
Spent the better part of the last 3 hours running the 1" impact the wrong way trying to get the massive not that hold the cylinder on off... this is after dropping $350 on one impact socket and a 1" breaker bar to go with it
Its still not loose
I fear in the morning I'm going to have to cut the nut and possible the bolt too, so I can line the end up with the ram and weld it all back together correctly
it appears to have happened before, and the welds are less then ideal