These words almost seem like a jinx ... told my wife as I left the house, "I won't be long."
We had some heavy rains the last few days so I knew I wouldn't be doing much cutting, but thought I could buck up a 2' red oak that was just over the top of a little ravine. That part went well. Moving the second 10' log went well until I set it down to get a more balanced grip. Never made it back to the log. I slid into the stump of a blow down as I backed up the slope. I tried and tried to get unstuck, but just dug my little tractor in deeper even while pushing the grapple off a small tree.
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I started to prepare to walk home, then help from one of my friends on this forum came as I thought to myself I bet Gologit could use the grapple against the ground and drive this tractor out of here. But I don't have those skills, I better just hit the road. Then as if he were coaching me, I thought well he didn't learn by not trying. So I went to work, lifting the frontend and curling the grapple as the wheels spun in reverse. After 20 minutes, I was almost out but just couldn't quite make it. So I prepared to walk home and texted my wife that I was stuck and would be late. She offered to come help. I declined the offer since that likely meant a stuck or damaged truck. Then another forum friend, Northman, stepped in as if to say "This is an everyday thing; I work alone all the time and I wouldn't be walking home until I tried every resource." So after some further thought I rigged to a stump and tried to get the broken winch to run in the other gear - no go - it is toast in high and low. Then my little mental light lit dimly, how about attaching a choker to the grapple and to my rigging, curl the grapple, and repeat as necessary? Let's just say I didn't walk home. Supper was cold.
Thanks, guys for all your help and inspiration.