The Descriptive Process

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So I had a half a day off from logging and Machining... the likes of which are rare anymore...

So what do I do. I dig out the ole 090 and start tearing into it again to see if I can get it going... which it does run now, just needs a carb rebuild, but it finally has a bar and chain on it, so other then the whole running for 5 seconds and dying thing its ready to throw my shoulder out of socket a few more times, That ******* thing is heavy! But I must say once I got the bar and chain on it it balances quit well.

And just my luck the kid at the saw shop, ordered the wrong bar a few years ago and they happened to be sitting on a 36" hard nose that would bolt right up. Stole for what they paid for it.
The truck sprung a leak. Well I mean another leak. This time tranny fluid, two coolers lines rubbed together a wore through. The part is $65.00 which is cheap as far as parts go. I had to crawl under the truck to pressure wash it to find the leak. I'm still cold from laying on the driveway in the rain. Now if I can make my elbow bend the other way I might just be able to reach the fittings. Or I may just let the mechanic and his lift change it out.
Took it to the mechanic. Smart move on my part.

Had some large logs to buck up today so I brought the Stihl 090 with a 4' bar. It ran great and did the job with 4" to spare. But I'll tell you I do not enjoy running that saw. My hands are still tingly from the vibes.
well.....cut one tree with the square chain........42" white oak.....I was not impressed to say the least.
walked back to the truck with the intent of fileing better angles.......105 drive links won't tighten up! brand new chain.
I didn't even count um, just threw the round back on.
guess I gotta get a breaker n some links.
well.....cut one tree with the square chain........42" white oak.....I was not impressed to say the least.
walked back to the truck with the intent of fileing better angles.......105 drive links won't tighten up! brand new chain.
I didn't even count um, just threw the round back on.
guess I gotta get a breaker n some links.
Out of the box Oregon wont cut for crap, you have to hit the teeth pretty hard and then the depth gauges. Look at the teeth closely, out of the box the top plate will have swoop in it, the corner probably doesn't match, etc. 2 filings in and it will be in the good zone. Stick with it, at least enough to really give it a go.
I am not a programmer, at all. That's why I find it such a grind to code and debug for this inventory project, even though I'm working in a programming environment that does most of the heavy lifting for me (DataPlus Professional from Electronic Data Solutions). Rules come from the inventory software (FPS), forcing the data structure and collection protocol, and then DataPlus forces other compromises. The finished program works now, but the field data will still need massaged before setting it free in the database to be used for inventory and planning. How many tries did it take? Too many. I've missed this whole week's worth of good weather on this update. Ah, well, it's Friday, and there'll still be trees to measure on Monday.
8? or more hours in the dump truck today... meant to go retrieve a trailer, then I had a flat, then they couldn't find tires, then they could, then the wiring is gone for the trailer hookup... then some other jack knob parks his truck in the way for an hour, idling...

Was supposed to move a desk for the missus, and do some more cleanup on the logging job, none of that happened

The trailer was only 15 miles from the house.

6 lug wheels so finding wheels is the hard part,

I would be rather expensive to change over. So I'll see what I can do about finding some kind of spare for now. Then if I need tires, I'm not stuck on the side of the road somewhere as the tire shop orders one in from utah or where ever.

6 lug wheels so finding wheels is the hard part,

I would be rather expensive to change over. So I'll see what I can do about finding some kind of spare for now. Then if I need tires, I'm not stuck on the side of the road somewhere as the tire shop orders one in from utah or where ever.

or I could just check my damn tire pressure, that way I don't try and run a load of gravel 20 miles on a completely flat tire, thereby blowing out the side wall.
I stumbled across a Stihl 064AV w/36" bar and chain for $200. It looks pretty well used (borderline rough)and I'd like to evaluate it's true mechanical condition vs. cosmetics.

Here's what I noticed:
- Bar and chain look OK
- Compression feels good
- Hand protect/chain brake is either broken off or cut off
- I noticed a couple drops of fuel leaking, but it could be a loose cap or from the vent hole.

They'll guarantee it long enough so I can go over it with a fine tooth comb and I'm fine with spending about $100 or so in parts. (new hand protect, 24" bar and chain, tune up kit, misc). Are Stihl parts super expensive??

What else should I look for? Pull the muffler and inspect the cylinder, do a compression test?

I simply want to replace my 20 year old John Deere 60V w/24" bar that must weight in at 25 lbs and it's getting heavier over time!!

The Stihl 064 would serve out it's life doing occasional stump cutting vs. continuous use, but I want it to be reliable.

Are these big old Stihl's fairly easy to restore? Are they pretty bulletproof or are they tempermental? If this thing is going to nickel and dime me to death? If so, I'd rather just save up for a 372XP or possibly a 044.

Six hole 20s? Deuce and a half wheels. Check mil surplus places. They swap a lot of em out to the super singles when they make the bobber pickups