I am in the process now of getting certified as a COR. That means I am getting my Rule Book together. One thing I'm finding, to my frustration, is that, under huge pressure from WAY above to "cut spending", the rules are changing WAY too fast to keep up with. Some changes start below and propagate up. Some start from the top and propagate down. Some are agency-specific, some office-specific. Some are supposed to apply at all levels. Very seldom to they intersect. Near as I can tell, there is no one person or agency responsible for policing all regulations, so at each stop, you have to find the one person who knows what is supposed to happen. The nervous stammering you refer to is due to the genuine impossibility for one person to have all the answers, and to the near-impossibility of that person being empowered to make a decision NOW and deal with the fallout later. It's a mess, and as fast as it's changing, there's no real way to be an expert. Things need to slow down some so that we can all catch up.