I can't stop washing...
Then you'd best use Dove and have hand lotion handy!
I can't stop washing...
Maybe so. I learned a long time ago not to apply logic and common sense to any situation involving more than two government agencies on the same job at the same time. If you argue with them beyond a certain point you might as well be talking to a tree. They take refuge in their data...they don't have to think too much that way and it eliminates the possibility that they might make a decision that will irritate their superiors.
They have rule books. :msp_rolleyes:
Some of the government people I deal with are knowledgeable and practical people. They are gems and there are way too few of them. Some of them come from a logging background and, while still having to carry the government message, they're not adverse to applying common sense solutions to problems. There were some of them that I liked seeing come to our jobs. They contributed to the process and even if we didn't always agree on things they made their point in such a way that you could see the idea of it.
Most of them are older people and many of them are retiring or have retired already. Alas.
They're being replaced by bright, articulate, college educated people with no real experience in the woods. Hence the refuge of the rule book. If you ask them a question you generally get one of two answers..." I'll check on that and get back to you" which means that you may or may not ever hear from them again...or "NO, the contract doesn't cover that and if it's not in the contract we can't allow it". If you argue with them they get very nervous and tend to stammer a lot. They cite their education and the rule book as a legitimate excuse for their lack of real experience.
The focus is going away from timber harvest, and a preservationist mind set has taken over. There's nothing I can do to change that but living and working with it is hard sometimes.
That's just plain ugly. I won't even try to imagine what would happen here if the agencies stumbled around the woods with their rule books. Here the environment protection things are strictly regulated by law. Compliance with the law, it's all up to you how you do it. If you screw up and break the law, you'll possibly spend some quality time behind the bars. But nobody will show up in the bush to tell you how to be good.
You need lazier clerks, if you don't mind me saying that. The ones who'll nap whole day in the pick up.
Done seen the strangest thing tonight... Dodge 3500 with a set of bunks in the back and a log trailer behind it... they had taken the duals off but still sporting the full size wheels... luckily they wern't trying to haul any logs like that... I think
Done seen the strangest thing tonight... Dodge 3500 with a set of bunks in the back and a log trailer behind it... they had taken the duals off but still sporting the full size wheels... luckily they wern't trying to haul any logs like that... I think
A SMART tree nerd doesn't let the ol' Filson coat drain into the Romeos while driving from one site to the next.
Just sayin'.
the larch.![]()
Isnt that some sort of ultra rare, highly endangered western golden?