The Descriptive Process

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Ms. Patty, what exactly did they give tud for arthiritis? it helps him pretty good? mine is 14 and not doin to well.......his brother had to be put down last week.....he just couldn't get up any more and was in pain.
He's taking generic rymadyl. Here's a link.

The stuff has been around for a while. My last dog was taking it when her arthritis got bad. It won't cure them, but it helps with the pain. He's been very frisky the last few days and his old happy self again.

Some vets want to check their liver function once a year. I doubt they will on such an old dog.
Can a pair of cheap dark blue coveralls make you smarter?

I have read, and reread, and watched videos, and couldn't decipher a kayak building step. Today, I looked at the instruction book whilst wearing the coveralls, and it clearly said "wrong side up".
Must wear them more.

I made it to the house between smites.
If you all dont mind I think ill hang out over here for the forseeable future. Those lugnuts on the other side that think a 50cc saw is big are testing my last nerve. Our oldest daughter is always saying you cant fix stupid, well apparently you can't fix being a puss either.
If you all dont mind I think ill hang out over here for the forseeable future. Those lugnuts on the other side that think a 50cc saw is big are testing my last nerve. Our oldest daughter is always saying you cant fix stupid, well apparently you can't fix being a puss either.
Just how much of a puss do I have to be to worry about my status on the F&L forum? I'm afraid of the dentist and put a decomp on my 288 'cause it hurt my elbow to start. I hope that's still acceptable over here. I agree that talking about 38cc saws is pretty boring tho
We aren't even a town. The first dentist I went to that didn't hurt was here. He retired a year or so ago. I feared we were lost. A young one actually moved here and he doesn't hurt much either. He did do a torture system on me trying to figure out what tooth was killing me. There was no other way. I've been to terrible dentists but there are some really good ones out there.

The root canal guy made me watch him working on my tortured tooth. He had a TV screen on the ceiling. I didn't want to watch. Root canals don't hurt either--physically. They really hurt the wallet. I've got several nice kayaks in my mouth.
Ran the Pack Test today. It's always good to have that out of the way for the year. Got a damned blister. Not happy about that.
Don't you mean "walked"? LOL

I got a wicked blister during mine, but I did it to myself, wearing brand new boots. I have two nice pieces of mole skin in my pick fir getting called out.
Took a tour of a "ranch" the other day. The word was they wanted 125 acres logged. NOT! 1700 +/- acres. No boundaries marked. No acreage for certain. Not one stitch of flagging anywhere. Don't know what they want for slash treatment. Not sure of most of the property lines. NO knowledge whatsoever of forestry or logging. The "project manager" points at a patch of timber that averages 80% slope and says "Every dead tree and every stick 4" and over needs to be removed from that hill." Alrighty then. What's the acreage? Where are the boundaries? When will it be ready to be logged? ....crickets.... I explained to him that what he needed was a helicopter since noone has a yarder in these parts. So I contacted a whirlybird company for him. I got on Google Earth to figure out acreage (+/- 20%) and proceeded to write him an estimate for hand falling what turned out to be 34 acres (+/- 20%). He shoots me back an email "I'm concerned that you won't have any one working for you." "I don't want this job (that isn't conceptualized or laid out yet) to take 6 months to complete." "You didn't include selling the logs or cleaning up the hill or trucking the logs or "cleaning up" after the trees are brought down by the helicopter in your bid." I wanted to inform him that I would be happy to arrange trucking and to sell the (now my) logs. I wanted to tell him I would have to let him know how much the trucking was going to be and that he could right a check directly to the trucker. I could rant for another page or so, but I'm not going to.

Holding hands is not my thing. It may be time to walk away from this one.

I need more description and less process!
Yeah. I just got another email from this guy. He's looking for a landscape company that happens to own logging equipment not a logger/forester. Frustrating.

I will fall everything for him and as project manger he can figure out the rest. This is a money loser if I have ever seen one.

Thanks for the wake up call madhatte!
Yeah. I just got another email from this guy. He's looking for a landscape company that happens to own logging equipment not a logger/forester. Frustrating.

I will fall everything for him and as project manger he can figure out the rest. This is a money loser if I have ever seen one.

Thanks for the wake up call madhatte!

Madhatte said it right. If the land owner doesn't really know what he wants, or if he doesn't know how to communicate what his goals are, there's no way you can do a job that will please him.
When I hand in a sale for bid, I HAVE ALREADY DONE THESE THINGS: 1) clearly delineate sale boundaries 2) clearly delineate things within those boundaries that need protected, such as wetlands, raptor nests, and archaeological sites 3) clearly delineate specific trees to be taken, and, as necessary, specific trees NOT to be taken 4) research laws/regulations which could prevent the sale 5) contact involved stakeholders such as F&W for input regarding their needs 6) write a prescription clearly outlining goals of this entry and desired future condition of the stand 7) clearly list acceptable logging methods as part of the prescription.

EDIT: you can safely assume that it has been cruised at least twice: once to determine what's in there, and once to establish what I'm taking out. You can also safely assume that I have made detailed maps of all of this.

If I don't do these things, the sale doesn't happen. Once the contract is written and signed, my responsibility is done, but the end condition of the stand following treatment reflects as much on my planning a it does the logger's harvest methods.
Well said.

I just put on my walking shoes. I emailed and told him I respectively choose not to bid at this time and there is far too little information to make an accurate assessment of the project. If were to proceed I would end up planning his project for him under the guise of "doing an estimate". I put in several weeks of my time for literally nothing, he rejects the price I come up with and takes all of my information to other contractors for estimates. Not happening. I may have been born at night, but it wasn't last night.