The Descriptive Process

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I've got 11 acres of pretty good wood I can do, but I have to pay to move the skidder and Timbco 80 miles and the skid at the new job is 1.1 miles. This is dried out dead softwood and I get paid by the ton. A 1+ miles skid ain't gonna cut it unless I get really desperate. If if gets bad enough I'll move just the skidder with a buddy's pick 'em up truck and cut by hand. I am going out to look at that 11 acres tomorrow morning again. I might start cutting tomorrow and bring the skidder in in a few days.
Thanks. I really appreciate that. This is not my idea of a picnic for sure.

If I can find a closer landing for this new acreage I might be able to make it work. I'm gonna give the site the eye tomorrow and make a decision.

Flash flood watches until Wednesday morning. Just what I need.

The weather here and in the U.P. are so similar sometimes I can't believe it.
Did you have any kind of contract with the mill? Whatever you wind up doing make sure they don't just ignore you. Make them pay, one way or another. Small claims court, breach of contract suit, lien against the mill, whatever. Don't just walk away from it.
If you don't get your money out of them you can always piss in their well by spreading the word about how they do business. Let the rest of the loggers know that the mill won't pay.
If the person responsible for not paying you gives you any static you can always get a little payback the old fashioned way...knuckles.
This is a really small group of loggers around here. The word (whatever word, if you catch my drift) will spread like a brush fire. I wonder how many other people haven't been paid. I've been in my camper in the woods for the past month so I'm a little out of touch. I sometimes go 2 or 3 weeks without seeing anyone at this job. I like it.
NEWS FLASH - I got half a mill check from the PO Box just now. Tomorrow I head back to the landing and skid what's bunched in the woods. Two trips to get my camper and job trailer out and then find someone to haul the equipment. Then it's jäähyväiset to the mill. I will go where I own the wood and can sort it for value.
Sounds like a regular guy to me.

Bob, I don't think a Finlander knows what "walking away" really means.

You're right. I don't know any old country Finns but I grew up with second and third generation Finlanders, commercial fishermen mostly. They were tough people. Not "mean and cruel tough" but "old time tough" know what I mean.

Years ago there was a Finn on our crew. Choker setter. Nobody could pronounce his first name but his last name was Maki so that's what everybody called him. Good hand.
I heard the boss talking about him one day..."He moves straight at the work and never backs down from anything. I wish he had a dozen brothers". The next week we had three Makis working. We gave them numbers.

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