ArboristSite Guru
That Raid's great mouthwash on those -40F mornings.
Most of the time I love my job. Im a independent Forestry Contractor, which is a cleaned up name for "faller for hire". I get to be in the timber and fall trees all day, being independent if I dont like how things are going w a contractor im subbed to, I can tramp anytime I want. BUT sometimes I HATE MY JOB!!!
We were hired to do a clear cut on a pretty little hardwood ridge about 200 yards long for a hog confinement and farm pond project. On that ridge I cut mockernut, pignut, shagbark, and bitternut hickories, white, red and black oak, and the biggest stand of linden or basswood ive ever seen. At times the hickory nuts were so think you could hardly stand-up. I aint no bleeding heart tree hugger, but it sure was a waste of good wildlife habitat. Think of the deer and turkeys those oaks and hickories fed. Kinda makes it hard for me to sleep w myself at night.
I've got a huge live oak that I'm sure was here when the country started, and no facts to the contrary can sway my feelings!oh elm, i felt like that a couple times.........for two seconds.
some one would have cut it........that was the LOs wishes.
on the big sticks......what some call old growth.......they gonna die any way so why not make use of it and make way for new trees.
disclaimer; i know the west coast old growth lives long.......not what i meant. there ain't a plot here that ain't been cut at some time.....folks see 5' oaks and think the indians played under um.
Printed TruffJon's wife starts it for him however......![]()
Prolly good advice Sam. I use to work for an ole boy that always said, "there are two ways to deal with change, embrace it or get steam rolled by it". Nothing ever stays the same, does it?