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Trees already generate Kw energy. I wouldn't mind seeing more generation possibilities.

But, I would bet tech like this would just be used to lock us out if more of our resources.
What about the energy costs, pollution generated by producing the contraption, the roads and all monetary and energy cost to get to the trees to install all this hardware etc. etc. etc. What about damage to the tree?

What happens on the days that the wind fails to blow?

This invention will never ever pay for it self let alone generate enough power to even be useful. If you can set one of these up that will light a single 40W light bub for one continuous year. I will sell my skidder and get a job with Greenpeace. Keep me up to date as your project progresses.
Never ever?

That tears it, farewell cruel world...

Howzabout you get to hold the generator's two leads when the unit trips SP?

Yes, the truth is out, I firmly believe trees are noblest of all god's creations to date.

Aren't you also the guy urging running leaded gas in the woods? BTW I like u'r tree wind energy idea. It needs to work with magnets moving thru a field tho, the wires (wahrs) aren't cool enough
It just strikes me as silly not to take advantage of the naturally existing infrastructure of all that tonnage swaying back n forth in their millions to produce clean power for our needs.

There can be a true symbiotic relationship between trees and man if we are wise enough to cultivate it.

Millions of good jobs for millions of good people.

Sounds good to me even if it ain't the most cost effective and momentarily gratifying solution to a handful of greedy jerks!

Or you could just invest in tidal/wind/solar energy, all of which are proven and don't rely on boring holes through a living thing, weakening it and possibly killing it, so that it collapses and disrupts the power to millions of people for more than a few days...

Just say'n

For the record our local power company here is busy installing a handful of tidal generators in Puget Sound.
What kinda argument is that, when the alternative is death by clear cut North Man?

Talk tu me bro!

Jon f'n Mooring
they been tryin for off shore wind farms here for years.............but it will be ugly for the tourists, pft.

ignore works great boys

Why do I get the distinct impression that you've never been 200 feet off the ground climbing a tree in your whole life mate?

What have you guys got against trees living to ripe old productive ages?

Does killing them somehow make you bigger braver men mates?


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