The Descriptive Process

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:drinkingcoffee: I guess this is the forester one???

It's close but I can think of a couple of others that might be more descriptive.....:confused:, :cry:, :buttkick:,:mad:... are all good. If you're in the sale planning stage this one might be appropriate...:crazy2:

I can't find an emoticon that says NO!
All I got was a picture from my smell phone... Not only did it feel weird I felt like an ass while doing it anyway, and it was really ******* slow, whittling away at a 30 some odd inch tree with an under powered 20" saw... Even took the time to hammer in 2 wedges for absolutely no reason... half a tank of gas in a saw that I might top off once a week regularly...
All I got was a picture from my smell phone... Not only did it feel weird I felt like an ass while doing it anyway, and it was really ****ing slow, whittling away at a 30 some odd inch tree with an under powered 20" saw... Even took the time to hammer in 2 wedges for absolutely no reason... half a tank of gas in a saw that I might top off once a week regularly...
i don't even like it on leaners........yea feel like an ass is pretty acurate.
A week or so back I mentioned a grove of redwoods blew apart in the storm system that dumped almost 30" of rain here in just over two weeks. I couldn't drive across the river cause the water is too deep but I could pretty muchly see what was left of the fairy ring. Three trees were down into the river and at least two were hung up. There is also a tanoak down just across the ford meaning I am going to get wet unless I can get the backhoe to push the tree away from the river so I can buck it. It fell right at the water's edge. The main trees look to be in the 4' range. I guess they are now large woody debris, aka trout habitat. Shoulda taken a picture I guess.
I spent the day repairing storm damage to the road. Man I HATE working the backhoe on a side hill.
If you're in the sale planning stage this one might be appropriate...:crazy2:

The only time I get that way is when the wildlife guys or the archaeologists find something that stops the show AFTER the planning is done and handed in. As long as I can accommodate them ahead of time, it's all part of the game.
Yep... Those Migs are sweethearts & can be
as fickle as a woman. Might want to make
her colorblind & remove that color of paint
back an inch on either side of the weldment.
Otherwise unless one got up on the other side
of the bed today. She might give a lot of porosity,
birdnest, hunt between a short circuiting arc to global
Transfer & spray...