The Descriptive Process

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:drinkingcoffee: I guess this is the forester one???

It's close but I can think of a couple of others that might be more descriptive.....:confused:, :cry:, :buttkick:,:mad:... are all good. If you're in the sale planning stage this one might be appropriate...:crazy2:

I can't find an emoticon that says NO!
All I got was a picture from my smell phone... Not only did it feel weird I felt like an ass while doing it anyway, and it was really ******* slow, whittling away at a 30 some odd inch tree with an under powered 20" saw... Even took the time to hammer in 2 wedges for absolutely no reason... half a tank of gas in a saw that I might top off once a week regularly...
All I got was a picture from my smell phone... Not only did it feel weird I felt like an ass while doing it anyway, and it was really ****ing slow, whittling away at a 30 some odd inch tree with an under powered 20" saw... Even took the time to hammer in 2 wedges for absolutely no reason... half a tank of gas in a saw that I might top off once a week regularly...
i don't even like it on leaners........yea feel like an ass is pretty acurate.
A week or so back I mentioned a grove of redwoods blew apart in the storm system that dumped almost 30" of rain here in just over two weeks. I couldn't drive across the river cause the water is too deep but I could pretty muchly see what was left of the fairy ring. Three trees were down into the river and at least two were hung up. There is also a tanoak down just across the ford meaning I am going to get wet unless I can get the backhoe to push the tree away from the river so I can buck it. It fell right at the water's edge. The main trees look to be in the 4' range. I guess they are now large woody debris, aka trout habitat. Shoulda taken a picture I guess.
I spent the day repairing storm damage to the road. Man I HATE working the backhoe on a side hill.
If you're in the sale planning stage this one might be appropriate...:crazy2:

The only time I get that way is when the wildlife guys or the archaeologists find something that stops the show AFTER the planning is done and handed in. As long as I can accommodate them ahead of time, it's all part of the game.
I told my kids as part of their inheritance, they have to deal with it after I'm gone, I'm NEVER moving again. I ended up doing almost all of the packing and moving myself, other than the pieces to big for me to carry. The queen size bed was not one of those pieces.
Yep... Those Migs are sweethearts & can be
as fickle as a woman. Might want to make
her colorblind & remove that color of paint
back an inch on either side of the weldment.
Otherwise unless one got up on the other side
of the bed today. She might give a lot of porosity,
birdnest, hunt between a short circuiting arc to global
Transfer & spray...