We're selling our home in the Sierras and part of the process includes a septic tank pump-out and inspection. Expensive.
The guys doing the work had to dig down five feet, through rocks and compacted dirt, just to find the tank. It's pick and shovel work because there's no way to get equipment to where the tank is. Apparently the tank was put in and the house was built afterward with no thought of access. The job became even more expensive.
During the inspection they found the inlet pipe from the house plumbing to the tank was cracked. Tree roots. It also has to be dug out by hand. Now we're talking serious money.
I was wandering around kicking rocks and mumbling to myself about the cost, thinking about cancelling the 661, putting off the cruise to the Bahamas,figuring how to go without food for the next six months, and even went so far as to consider selling off some timber that I'd had a too cheap offer on.
I was doing a fine job of feeling sorry for myself. I was doing fine until the kid running the septic crew told me that he'd have to put on a full hazmat suit including respirator and climb down into the tank to do the repairs. The tank will be empty. Mostly. That mostly includes the stuff that clings to the sides and gums up on the bottom. He'll probably spend a couple of hours in there.
Suddenly, I didn't feel sorry for myself any more. Whatever we're paying those guys is worth it!
Besides, I've already been to the Bahamas.