Cleaning out as well. 900d low hour top end (or whole saw) up for trade. Chrome knick between exhaust splitter, looks to have been a factory chip.
I'm very interested, Although not much
to trade but cash.
PM sent.
What!? We've seen the pix of your shop! You have plenty to trade (I'm thinking 166 here Mitch)! Surprised you have any ca$h left! :jester:
looking for coil, condenser, points that'll work on a C5. could also use p&c in good shape (no flaking on the jug)
looking for coil, condenser, points that'll work on a C5. could also use p&c in good shape (no flaking on the jug)
I'll pull the jug on my parts carcass. It pumped 125 but the flywheel side bearing was loose letting the flywheel kiss the coil pole when cranking.
Can't help ya on the coil/ignition as I had to beg one form Aaron.
I can set you up on the coil I think and condensor and points. PM me I have a c-5 with a scored piston so I would think the coil and stuff is good on it. PM me..
Just picked up a Pioneer Farmlite for cheap. Need a few parts.
I need gas cap, brake handle and assembly, and clutch cover.
Have a lot of remington parts to trade, or dead presidents.
thanks guys, pm sent
Best to keep shopping around. Piston and cylinder are in bad shape.
There is an outside chance the cylinder may clean up but the piston has lost a lot of material at the transfer ports. Wall clearence would be huge.
The darn thing pumped 125 psi..........................................
Your call.
I may have a good used C-5 P/C to part with, but won't be able to tear the saw down until the weekend of the 10th (at least). Our GTG is this weekend, and I've been as busy as a one-armed paper hanger lately. Still need to ship out Carl's bar and a couple other boxes of Homelite parts (to other fellows)....
I need a top cover for a 754. Also, crank(rod) bearings......