Anyone have a complete Mac 250 recoil cover?
I have sweaty presidential portraits or a bunch of crap to trade.
I have sweaty presidential portraits or a bunch of crap to trade.
Looking for an outside bar plate and a on/off switch.
I guess I mailed too many away. I should have saved one.
We have old mag. stuff or rect. green printed paper.
i've got some misc stuff from C5 and SEZ. might have a plate and switch but haven't looked. would any of that fit? if so, i'll dig it out and see.
EZ or SEZ outside bar plate should be fine. The thing had two inner plates on him. one upside down and backwards for an outer.
The kill switch on him now has up for off and down for on. Makes for confusion.
Thanks fellas.
Anyone have a complete Mac 250 recoil cover?
I have sweaty presidential portraits or a bunch of crap to trade.
...I can send Carl a switch if you strike out Jerry...
Yes I have what you need
Thanks Bill, but it's already on its way from another member.
Looking for an outside bar plate and a on/off switch.
I guess I mailed too many away. I should have saved one.
We have old mag. stuff or rect. green printed paper.
did you ever find these? i got my stuff somewhat organized now and can look if you haven't. btw, is that you on st. joe cl?
Hi Fellas,
I picked up a pro 700 and am looking for a guide plate, chain adjuster and screw and maybe a good used bar for it. Not much to trade in the chainsaw parts line, but I do have green stuff and other goodies? Dana
I got all of that... if your still needing.
I got all of that... if your still needing.