The most unusual customer requests you've gotten..

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unusuall requests

had a person call me to take a dead pine out when got to the
top started blocking down the wood lady came out said that
is good i asked are u sure? she said she wanted to give wood
peckers some thing to peck ! I told her the tree would fall
and be a hazard she insisted said she would pay the same
but did,nt want the bird to kill other trees i then told her the
bird was actually eating the beetles killing the tree she would
have no part of it and said she liked the way it looked
I left there puzzled but paid but still hoped her neighbors
did,nt think this was my trimming style!!!!!!!!:
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I also had woman isnit that i not use a chipper becuase it would cause acid to seep into he grass and gard she hadabout 4 inches of fress hemlock mulch in her "wld plant' gardern . only noe of th plant were wild on after that only moss old grow here and gras nver wouldagain .
sheieplained hat we woildrake up as best as possible and that we do not chip alot as i use some ofthe samll stuff as kindleing and give it ot a few needy foks as wood to burn . Some of it is good sized too. she had about 4 inches of fresh hemlock mulch in her "wild plant' garden ,only none of the plants were wild
She said that Martha Stewart , said a good tree sevice will not leave a single ciip! and even a small amount would permantly damge your lawn or garden . Too bad they cannot make giving false information a felony what stupid ugly :censored:

Great thread it shows we needvto some hopwwhave findaway to better infor the public abput what we do !
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Martha Stewart said that? I've got some inside information for her. She needs to get out more, but I guess that ankle bracelet gives her a good shock when she gets too far out in the yard.
strange request

I just recently had a that a lady wanted all the rubbish chipped and put in the 20x 30 ft. in ground pool.I nearly filled the pool by the end of the job.
She was so happy she gave my help $50 tips and after she paid me she remarked that her next door neighbors and her husband will need shovels if they want to have sex in the pool any more.
I laughed for 3 months every time I seen a pool
She was so happy she gave my help $50 tips and after she paid me she remarked that her next door neighbors and her husband will need shovels if they want to have sex in the pool any more.
I laughed for 3 months every time I seen a pool

That's hysterical! Great story.
That's hysterical! Great story.

Ever since you posted this, I can't think of one really unusual request, ever. Not since 1988.

I've heard of unsual things...

Like a lady fertilizing her lawn with Casoron !!

But no unusual requests.

Unusual names - yes...

Matt Dhillon

Steve Martin

Mr. Toothacher

Tom Cruise

Not TV ones - just same or similar names.
I just recently had a that a lady wanted all the rubbish chipped and put in the 20x 30 ft. in ground pool.I nearly filled the pool by the end of the job.
She was so happy she gave my help $50 tips and after she paid me she remarked that her next door neighbors and her husband will need shovels if they want to have sex in the pool any more.
I laughed for 3 months every time I seen a pool

Now THAT'S funny! :biggrinbounce2: :biggrinbounce2: :biggrinbounce2: :biggrinbounce2: :biggrinbounce2: :biggrinbounce2:
Hmm... I have done the cat in a tree bit once. A pain but worked ok.

I would say my most unusual job came from the Vermeer dealership. They reffered me because at the time I was the only person with a BC1800 in northern colorado.

Some guys were cleaning out a water treatment plant and had about 300 or 400 of these 36"x18"x12' long honeycombed plastic framework for bacteria or something to grow on to break down the stuff in the waste. These were all dry and everything actually pretty clean. At any rate, we just shoved them in the chipped and shot them into 2 full sized construction dumpsters. Worked great! The plastic was so brittle you could crumble it in your hand. Took a total of an hr or so. They were so happy they gave me $350 for that little bit of work and I didnt haul off a thing. Heck they brought everything right too me so all I had to do was turn around and toss them in. Was easy money and would do it again.
Homeowner came to nearby road we were working on, and asked us to get his son's RC plane out of a tree. It was near the end of the day, and we had a little time to kill. So we headed over. Turns out it's about 65 feet up in a pine and we have a 55 foot bucket! While the foreman is trying to poke the thing loose with a rake, the homeowner tells me that his son crashed the plane in the yard, earlier, so HE (dad) had been showing him the correct way to fly when it landed in the tree. Hmmm...

Well, he got it back, minus a wing, that fell off and landed in a split in the trunk, junior got gloating rights, and I bought take-out for dinner with the payoff.


See, stuff works out, sometimes.
I had my first cat call today... from a pretty young woman even.

It was about as routine as tree climbing gets except for this stupid little twig that kept my rope from pulling over the crotch I wanted for a TIP. The kitty was mellow and crawled right into my arms. He'd been there for 3 days including a really frigid rainstorm; just couldn't get back down that skinny little sweetgum.

When she called, I asked her if she could afford $100 to get the cat down and she said sure thing... then she wrote the check for $150! Nothing like a Valentine's Day bonus dinner to butter up the girlfriend.;)
Here's a new one.

I was asked to recover a squirrel nest from the top of a big holly we were removing so it could be re-installed in another tree.

The occupant was either a really big flying squirrel or a really talented grey squirrel because it jumped right as I got to the nest, assumed the position and sailed to the ground.

It was a nice nest, to be sure.
Hello to all of you fine folks here @ AS. As you can see, I am new here and taking the opportunity to make my "maiden post".

Nearly twenty years ago now, I got a couple of very strange messages on my business line. The caller was a woman who was pleading to my answering machine for someone to come and remove her cat from a tree. Of course, I initially presumed that these messages were someone's idea of a clever prank. However, a short time later a third message appeared and this time from an obviously distraught individual. I decided I should probably return the call, and discovered after some discussion that a very frightened feline was indeed sitting about 30 feet up in a Silver Maple where it had been for a couple of days. I got in the truck with my usual gear, choosing to add some additional leather clothing to use as PPE while handling this potentially unhappy kitty. I did remove the cat without incident, and remember trying to figure out an appropriate cost for such work. I don't recall what I was paid, but the cat had apparently broken its hip and could not manage a descent.

Just yesterday I had another unique request which inspired this post. A friend called me saying "I have a friend who needs to use a chipper. I told her that you had just the thing...." . At first I was a bit skeptical (as you might imagine). It ended up that this woman wanted to recycle a large quantity of foam sheathing board scraps to use as attic insulation in her new house! Anybody here ever run Celotex thru a Brush Bandit?!

you can use my pool you wont need bathing suits
On the local evening news tonight (WAVY TV 10), there was a story about a baby owl that fell out of a tree. The local SPCA treated it and got a local tree guy to climb the tree it fell from and put it back. They made a special nest using a wicker basket lined with leaves, The climber placed the baby owl inside his throw line bag and ascended to the top of the tree only to find a distraught somewhat nervous sibling to the owl. He placed both babies in the basket and tied the basket to the limbs securely. In a couple days the mother owl returned to claim her babies and all was well. They documented the whole episode on camera. Really cool and I admire the local tree guy for his part, don't know if he got paid or not.
5000 christmas lights

One year when working in west Vancouver,a really nice lady had had over 5000 christmas lights installed in a 150ft Doug Fir by way of a crane and a bunch of Arborists.Well these had not been turned on for a year and needless to say didn't function when required,so there I was in the dark,climbing with a head torch and radio having my groundie turn the power off when I'd inspect a connection then turn it on when I'd done.Bloody slow,cold bad job!Didn't get the lights working that night.Buggar.
While in college, I had a pet raccoon that was very efficient at getting my room-mate's girl friend's cat out of trees. It was a large Siamese tomcat that was very afraid of the coon. Once it got up the tree, the coon would walk out on the limb the cat was on until it dropped to the next. This was repeated until the cat was on the ground.

Cat rescue stories always bring back the memories of Tackleberry in the original Police Academy. Also the statement that "I have never found a cat skeleton in a tree"

The only rescue I was asked to do resulted in the cat coming down the opposite side of the tree much quicker and easier than I went up, and under his own power.