Not trying to start nothing but do some of you actually think it's ok to breathe the fumes from railroad ties.
I'm assuming you mean creosote laden smoke, not "fumes"... "fumes" would be the volatiles evaporating from fresh rendered creosote, which would not be present in railroad ties.
Well... let me ask you... is it "OK" to breath any smoke?? And what do you mean by "OK"??
The "listed" health effects from breathing (coal-tar) creosote laden smoke is identical to breathing wood smoke (and many other smokes)... there ain't even any difference in the severity or length of the effects. Basically, it makes you cough, and can irritate existing respiratory problems... sucking large quantities of it in over a long enough time
may cause you to develop a respiratory condition such as asthma or COPD. No different than any smoke.
So... if it's "OK" to breath wood smoke, then it's also "OK" to breath (coal-tar) creosote smoke.
But... if it's "not OK" to breath wood smoke, then it's also "not OK" to breath (coal-tar) creosote smoke.
Sort'a depends on how ya' wanna' look at it... don't it??
Here's the big scare...
(Coal-tar) creosote is a
suspected carcinogen (wood dust is a
known carcinogen)... there have been isolated incidences of workers handling (coal-tar) creosote over many years developing skin and (strangely) scrotum cancer (maybe they scratch their nutz without washin' their hands

). As I understand it, no deaths have been attributed to handling (coal-tar) creosote. I'll say it again,
suspected carcinogen, there is no hard evidence proving a carcinogenic effect on humans... and there ain't any evidence at all (not even circumstantial) showing that breathin' smoke from burning (coal-tar) creosote is any more "unhealthy" than breathin' smoke from burning wood, leaves, or other such.
Yeah... it smells bad (to most people)... but so does burning wet leaves. Then again, some people say wood smoke smells bad. Personally, the smell of an oil furnace is more offensive to me.
(Coal-tar) creosote is... well... bituminous (called soft or black) coal.
The smoke from burning it is... well... the smoke from burning coal.
Throwing a railroad tie in your OWB is... well... throwing wood and a small amount of (soft) coal in your OWB.
It ain't any more nefarious than that.
And yes, I've burned small amounts of soft coal and (coal-tar) creosote treated wood in my appliances (shrug)... I didn't die, but I did stay warm.