The neighbors are burning railroad ties

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An 06' should be able to puncture an OWB at several hundred yards.

...get the right load and boat-tails, 30 cal or not... you can bust that OWB's ass at much more distance. A damn good flat shootin', action/barrel glass-bed, free-floated 243 would blister that OWB a long ways off... You'd be so far away, could drink beer, party and order delivered pizzas...while nobody at the OWB wreckin site knew no difference.
If you start in using that 30-06 on anything of mine you will soon find out what I think I own and what your liability is for doing so. Do you really think that a trajectory is so hard to determine from the entry and exit damage? Even a stiff wire would let me establish where the shots came from. Of course the entry and exit will point to a spot higher than your location but ballistic curves are quite well documented and can be easily looked up. The local gendarmes will take care of the assault with a deadly weapon charges and intentionally damaging property charges which would only leave me in civil court suing for property damages including the loss of use of my equipment and of course my attorney's fees. You will go broke defending yourself from both the criminal and civil effects of such an action. Lawyers don't come cheap and of course mine would be acting on a contingency basis so you get to pay for him or he doesn't get paid. Do you think he really would be unwilling to take on such a case? As far as the criminal charges, good luck. An easy to prove case like this means re-election for local DAs with otherwise marginal records of prosecution success.
...get the right load and boat-tails, 30 cal or not... you can bust that OWB's ass at much more distance. A damn good flat shootin', action/barrel glass-bed, free-floated 243 would blister that OWB a long ways off... You'd be so far away, could drink beer, party and order delivered pizzas...while nobody at the OWB wreckin site knew no difference.

Olman47, I agree with ya, can't take the long arm of the law into ya own hands...and I'm not even sayin nor promoting such measures, regardless of how an individual takes it upon themselves to handle a 'long distance' neighbor. But I do agree with one thing... You'd have a damn boat load of 'CSI' investigators on the scene QUICK. Yet a force won't show up like that if a damn tornado wiped out half the county...go figure!!
Call the EPA and tell them your water started tasting funny after your neighbor started hoarding creosoted wood by the ton. Its what you are overpaying them for in the first place.
My 7-year-old, 1st grade son came home from school last week with an assignment... draw a picture of what Earth Day means to you.
He had no idea what Earth Day was all about, and neither did his mother... enter me :D

The first thing I asked was if they'd talked about Earth Day in school. It seems they hadn't... the plan was to talk about it after all the kids brought the pictures back. So I explained what Earth Day was all about, how it originally got started and came to be (too much for a 7-year-old). He sat there looking at the blank piece of paper... I could tell he was totally confused. After a couple of minutes I asked if he was gonna' draw something.

He looked at me and asked, "Dad, what does Earth Day mean to you?"

I smiled and said, "Well, that's easy son... it's tree-hugger day."

He drew a picture of a stick man huggin' a tree :D
Again,, I'm not pissed off at the guy or anything. I wave at him almost everyday when we pass each other on the road. I was really just pointing out his blatant disregard for the environment and his neighbors. And also what some owb owners might do in desperation. I have a bunch of big narley wood I don't want to deal with.. i might ask him if he wants it. I could just dump over the fenceline.
I do believe SS posted that as a joke. Lets not turn this into more of a flame war than it already is.
Thank you, Sheesh, what a bunch of drama Queens.
Stihl Sawing isn't trying to destroy anything. He just thinks that introducing more o2 will help it burn more efficiently!
LOL, it would definitely burn better.

If you start in using that 30-06 on anything of mine you will soon find out what I think I own and what your liability is for doing so. Do you really think that a trajectory is so hard to determine from the entry and exit damage? Even a stiff wire would let me establish where the shots came from. Of course the entry and exit will point to a spot higher than your location but ballistic curves are quite well documented and can be easily looked up. The local gendarmes will take care of the assault with a deadly weapon charges and intentionally damaging property charges which would only leave me in civil court suing for property damages including the loss of use of my equipment and of course my attorney's fees. You will go broke defending yourself from both the criminal and civil effects of such an action. Lawyers don't come cheap and of course mine would be acting on a contingency basis so you get to pay for him or he doesn't get paid. Do you think he really would be unwilling to take on such a case? As far as the criminal charges, good luck. An easy to prove case like this means re-election for local DAs with otherwise marginal records of prosecution success.
After all that jibberish I have to think you want to be a lawyer. So you're saying you can put a wire in the holes and tell who shot it? not where they come from but who shot it.:dizzy: You know most guns are portable. But you haven't a clue what I can do. Anyway, take a chill pill. it was a joke. BTW. may the smoke from a thousand OWB's burning light poles infest your nostrils.
Call the EPA and tell them your water started tasting funny after your neighbor started hoarding creosoted wood by the ton. Its what you are overpaying them for in the first place.[/
Again,, I'm not pissed off at the guy or anything. I wave at him almost everyday when we pass each other on the road. I was really just pointing out his blatant disregard for the environment and his neighbors. And also what some owb owners might do in desperation. I have a bunch of big narley wood I don't want to deal with.. i might ask him if he wants it. I could just dump over the fenceline.

...sounds to me like he's about as close to a damn millionaire as you and I are, notwithstanding a fat Lottery winnin soon...don't we all wish??

Now...your option 'C' in this...dump good burning knarly wood over his fence line?? Because you don't wanna deal with, righto?...and then whata you do, go sneak an envelope in his sorry ass mailbox lettin him know where the motherlode is?? Ever heard of noodling the stuff down so you can take advantage of it? Burn it for your own profit? This thread is 14 pages long now, just sayin, and everybody here has asked several times if you've even gone to talk with said neighbor, and don't think it's happened yet, rather obviously.

Everyone here has chimed in with great advice, quoted their own state, local laws, ordinances, otherwise. If ya don't wanna confront his ass in a tactful, respectful manner about what he's doin or otherwise...take it like McCoy said many a yr ago on StarTrek and be done with it...'Damnit Jim, I don't know Vulcan anatomy'... And just be damn done with it. Ya may just have a Vulcan residing by ya...'bout 700 yds away. Hell...just sayin. Lol
Now he will come back with a full page of how you better not invade his nostrils. ..because they are his ..and it is unlawful to knowingly infest them.
I'm just glad I didn't post the original thought I had that included 50 pounds of Tannerite and a 50 cal. He mighta really spazzed out.

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