The neighbors are burning railroad ties

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This thread reminds me of an ex-girlfriend. She'd piss and moan about her problems but never do anything about the ones she could control. The time it's taken to photograph, upload photographs, and type posts to this thread could have been spent either a) going over and discussing your concerns with the man, b) making a few phone calls to find out the legality of the act so we could have a discussion based on laws and not emotions and opinions, or c) performing one of the acts suggested above to stop him from operating the thing. We all have neighbors that we don't agree with. Sometimes we can make them see things as we do, sometimes there's not a way to make them.
I went out of my way to take some pics to show you guys, like I said I'm not gonna make any formal complaints or even talk to the guy. I just though it was kinda strange and,, A- holeish of the guy. If you don't have a appropriate wood supply don't buy a outdoor wood burner. Everyone I know that has one uses it as a incinerator for everything.
When did this "sense of community" exist??
I've been here since 2010... and been railed, insulted, attacked, even threatened and called every name in the book from near day one.

And why??
Because I didn't... don't... fit the perceived mold (or should I say the accepted mold). Because I don't believe there's a "right" and "wrong" way to heat with wood... just because there's your way and my way don't make either way right or wrong. Because I don't hug trees, believe in magic, or roll-over and play dead on command. Because, in my mind, heating with wood ain't a religion, it's simply a way to stay warm... nothin' more, nothin' less.

"Sense of community" my azz... that sense wasn't extended to me, I was treated almost like some sort of alien from outer space at times because I saw no harm in using a little used oil to start a fire... or whatever.
It ain't that the "sense of community" is gone... it's just that your community ain't the overwhelming majority it once was.
I do get some pretty good laughs out'a it all though :D
The word "here" in my comment did not refer to AS, it referred to the nation.
Y'all are ridiculous... totally ridiculous‼ (well... not all of ya')

Yeah, no friggin' doubt... we all haf'ta do it your tree-huggin' way... Well, GPY‼
You think the bu!!$h!t ain't comin" you way... well grow the phuck up‼

When it comes to keepin' my family warm I'll burn WTF ever I choose... whenever I choose...
And you can choke on it for all I give sour owl crap... my family comes before you.

Someone claims the guy is rich and can afford any sort'a heat he wants... well phuck the guy claimin' such, he don't know Bill from Bob (unless he's livin' in Bob or Bill's shoes).

Spidey, you may have just won 1st prize for the most selfish post ever on ArboristSite.
I went out of my way to take some pics to show you guys, like I said I'm not gonna make any formal complaints or even talk to the guy. I just though it was kinda strange and,, A- holeish of the guy. If you don't have a appropriate wood supply don't buy a outdoor wood burner. Everyone I know that has one uses it as a incinerator for everything.
So basically he's no better or worse than anyone else in your area then with an OWB.
The word "here" in my comment did not refer to AS, it referred to the nation.
Oh... my mistake.
I don't agree with that assessment either... but I don't feel like goin' on another tirade... my head still hurts.

Spidey, you may have just won 1st prize for the most selfish post ever on ArboristSite.
No... not selfish... realistic... puttin' your family first is hardly selfish... it's bein' realistic.
Selfish is wantin' everyone else to do it your way... expectin' everyone else to think as you think... it's wanting laws and regulations to force people to do it your way...
It ain't bein' selfish to I say I'll burn whatever I choose... but, tellin' someone else what they can or cannot burn based on your belief system is selfish.

At the top of this page 066blaster posted this...
"If you don't have a appropriate wood supply don't buy a outdoor wood burner."
Well I just gotta' ask y'all...
"Appropriate" wood supply?? By who's friggin' standard?? Yours??
Well maybe I believe railroad ties are an "appropriate" wood supply for my OWB... what makes your opinion right, and mine wrong??

Friggin' ridiculous‼
This thread reminds me of an ex-girlfriend. She'd piss and moan about her problems but never do anything about the ones she could control. The time it's taken to photograph, upload photographs, and type posts to this thread could have been spent either a) going over and discussing your concerns with the man, b) making a few phone calls to find out the legality of the act so we could have a discussion based on laws and not emotions and opinions, or c) performing one of the acts suggested above to stop him from operating the thing. We all have neighbors that we don't agree with. Sometimes we can make them see things as we do, sometimes there's not a way to make them.
You have a point about people complaining but never addressing the things that they can control. I know a few people like that.

OTOH I see no harm in a guy posting up here asking for advice on how to handle the situation that could become "heated". I know I have attempted to cordially address things with folks and had things get out of hand because they didn't appreciate the issue being brought up. Then thanks to the Irish and German in my blood, once I have started something I won't let the issue go and whoalah! the discussion has turned into a full blown argument. Had I ran it past a few buddies (and or AS members) I could possibly have approached the subject differently and perhaps more diplomatically. Don't fault the OP for trying to become informed.
No... not selfish... realistic... puttin' your family first is hardly selfish... it's bein' realistic.
Selfish is wantin' everyone else to do it your way... expectin' everyone else to think as you think... it's wanting laws and regulations to force people to do it your way...
It ain't bein' selfish to I say I'll burn whatever I choose... but, tellin' someone else what they can or cannot burn based on your belief system is selfish.... what makes your opinion right, and mine wrong?? Friggin' ridiculous‼*

Your statement holds no water with me. If you can afford to drink your dinner at the Elks, you can afford to cut/buy real firewood to keep your family warm. Priorities Spidey...priorities.
Don't fault the OP for trying to become informed.

Except...@svk... that ain't exactly what the OP was doin'. He's even stated he has no intention of doin' anything.

Basically... and to put it crudely... the whole point of the post was to say, "Look at this (rich) irresponsible, low-life, slob, wood burner... don't be like this guy."
If you can afford to drink your dinner at the Elks, you can afford to cut/buy real firewood to keep your family warm.
Who said it cost me anything to drink my dinner??
And "real" firewood?? By who's standard?? Yours??

Same crap... over and over... friggin' ridiculous‼
Oh... my mistake.
I don't agree with that assessment either... but I don't feel like goin' on another tirade... my head still hurts.

No... not selfish... realistic... puttin' your family first is hardly selfish... it's bein' realistic.
Selfish is wantin' everyone else to do it your way... expectin' everyone else to think as you think... it's wanting laws and regulations to force people to do it your way...
It ain't bein' selfish to I say I'll burn whatever I choose... but, tellin' someone else what they can or cannot burn based on your belief system is selfish.

At the top of this page 066blaster posted this...
"If you don't have a appropriate wood supply don't buy a outdoor wood burner."
Well I just gotta' ask y'all...
"Appropriate" wood supply?? By who's friggin' standard?? Yours??
Well maybe I believe railroad ties are an "appropriate" wood supply for my OWB... what makes your opinion right, and mine wrong??

Friggin' ridiculous‼

Stop doin' that‼
Heck man, believe me, if'n I started defending myself on the internet... on this board... I wouldn't have any time for stirrin' the pot‼
It's the internet man... it's the internet... it means nothin' more than you yourself make of it.

Two strong arms. Two strong legs. One strong back. A work smarter, not harderideology. And a giant pulsating brain ;)
whenever I can.
Harvestin' it should be the hard part... burnin' it should be the easy part... have I mentioned I hate my elitist stove??

Sound familiar.
You have a point about people complaining but never addressing the things that they can control. I know a few people like that.

OTOH I see no harm in a guy posting up here asking for advice on how to handle the situation that could become "heated". I know I have attempted to cordially address things with folks and had things get out of hand because they didn't appreciate the issue being brought up. Then thanks to the Irish and German in my blood, once I have started something I won't let the issue go and whoalah! the discussion has turned into a full blown argument. Had I ran it past a few buddies (and or AS members) I could possibly have approached the subject differently and perhaps more diplomatically. Don't fault the OP for trying to become informed.

Yah because he's gotten some great advice so far:laughing:

We are on the same page SVK, and I think you'll agree that I provided the most information on options going forward of anyone in the thread.

I've had my neighborly coinflicts. In the first three years in my place the neighbor's cats, dogs, cows, and horses had all wound up in my yard. The livestock made a bit of a mess but I didn't say a word trying to be neighborly until I went out back to my chicken coop and their daschund had a lifeless barred rock in its mouth. I told the wife from then on if any of their animals wound up in our yard it is open season. She must have let them know cuz I'll be damned if in the two years since not one thing has come over. I feel that I did them a favor: they're better pet owners and better fence builders.
Except...@svk... that ain't exactly what the OP was doin'. He's even stated he has no intention of doin' anything.

Basically... and to put it crudely... the whole point of the post was to say, "Look at this (rich) irresponsible, low-life, slob, wood burner... don't be like this guy."
He must mention that later into the thread. But many of these threads start because people don't know how to handle confrontation.
I went out of my way to take some pics to show you guys, like I said I'm not gonna make any formal complaints or even talk to the guy. I just though it was kinda strange and,, A- holeish of the guy. If you don't have a appropriate wood supply don't buy a outdoor wood burner. Everyone I know that has one uses it as a incinerator for everything.

Yup. One dude on the wtf pictures thread said he burns dead raccoons in his OWB. But at least those things don't have creosote in 'em.....
It's like 55 and sunny here. We don't have a furnace going. But his has been smoking away all day long. All day everyday. For one thing he has put too much work into it to crap in his wheaties at this point. It reminds me of the scene from batman dark night.. where the Joker says "everything burns" when he burns that pile of money. If someone could post that it would be awesome.
Cement railroad ties? Never heard of that. All wood in this state.

Anyhow, if it burns it goes in the stove here too. The stove isn't fussy.

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