last time I was under the table was when I was a teen. Why can't I have those things under a conservative boss?Why? You no wan't health insurance, paid time off, a retirement plan, L+I insurance and a fair wage?
Or would you rather work under the table for a few dollars over minimum wage, cause that's what a "man" does?
I was just thinking more in terms of individual disposition, though. You know, those folks who are always right. One morning I saw greed strong enough that safety was supplanted. In contrast I had been told all of these don't dos that would make you roll your eyes.
so, you leave a man's ax at the crummy, that you took responsibility for storing. & then refuse to go get it while also demanding production NOW. AND you're starting the axless man in a corner on a steep ridge? That chit kind of just blew me away. 10 minutes later & I'm responding to a hangup. went down, tapped a wedge, dodged a little bitch of a widowmaker (I took my buddy with me down the hill), then the radio shouts the question why there are no saws running. That was it. I told him I'd be right over to answer the question in person, hot enough to fu5k & ready to get my ass kicked.. I asked him what the in the fu5k did he think was going to happen sending a man who was still learning a lot into a corner with no ax & were in the fu7k did he get the idea that yelling at us was okay. Told him that this would be the first & last time that he was going to spout the fu7k off to me when his fuc&up caused everything. He seemed to have a change of feeling because he didn't say much. After that, I knew that all the hype I'd been hearing of & waiting for was just BS. My buddy who was still a little bit green busted 3 saws in way less than a year hell the boss did 2 saws. the loggers kept saying weird stuff, like they were hinting of who should be in charge of who...... It just got shittier & shittier. I finally bailed when he told me that If I was going to see my 84 year old grandmother for Thanksgiving, that I should just go ahead & stay there. not long after that my buddy got killed. He was ready to go back to Halliburton. I feel like I could have prevented that from happening, because I saw it coming.