It's not about trust, just a simple question.
Manufacturers like STIHL, Husky, etc. are competitive and always try to wring more out of a saw to get a higher power-to-weight ratio and improve performance. They may have to deal with regulatory constraints (noise, emissions, etc.), and they need to balance performance with longevity, service needs, expected use, etc. of their target customers.
So I get that they design saws to run like a Camry or Taurus, rather than like a hot rod on a drag strip. But if simply replacing a spark plug with a different tip or heat range will make that much difference, I can't imagine that they wouldn't do it. These guys sell enough saws that they can get plugs made to their specs.
So, back to the question if anyone knows: are there any downsides to a side gapped plug (e.g. shorter life), are the improvements just not that significant to make it worthwhile, or . . . ?
I suppose that there are a number of things done in racing situations that don't make as much sense in 'normal' usage (cars, bikes, snowmobiles, saws, etc.).
Just curious.