Only one active mod left and he might be older than youYou must be a paid sponsor now, cause you sure do a lot of advertising here that you used to not be able to do.
Only one active mod left and he might be older than youYou must be a paid sponsor now, cause you sure do a lot of advertising here that you used to not be able to do.
Here is one more way for you to purchase the Leveraxe.There is no need to be sharp, because the edge of the blade penetrates into the wood only a quarter of an inch on an optimum strike. The purpose of the edge of the blade is to grab to the side of the piece of wood which the kinetic energy that now has turned to the left pushes it away. Sorry my rusty English. Here is more about it. thoughts exactly. By what metrics and means of measuring did they attain that figure? It seems wildly anecdotal at best, over exaggerated at worst. Did they just pick 30x out of a hat? Heck, why not make 35x or 50x? I hate shill "reviews"...
By what metrics and means of measuring did they attain that figure?
That means exactly nothing. Not even from a speculative standpoint
That means exactly nothing. Not even from a speculative standpoint
Hello my far away friends.
Only to show you that I'm still alive and kicking strong.
Check this.
All the best. Finland
Nice picture. Obviously they wanted a good looking conventional axe to the front page. There are maybe millions of different axes in the world and they chose yours. So far there are only two different designs of Leveraxes, but I'm doing my best to conquer the world with them. I wish good luck to both of us. May the humour live!The image in your video preview title is my own axe in my woodyard:
It's the first image of my Shapleigh Hardware Diamond Edge restoration before I re-profiled it. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, it is said...
Here is the thread I posted it in when I joined this community:
Edited for clarity... and humor.
NopeSo, after all this time, would you pick up one to do serious work, aside from curiosity, given the other choices you have?