The truth, the whole truth???

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If I ever wind up owning more saws than the number of firearms I currently have, I might get concerned at that point! :laugh:
i use to catch a little lip for my overall collection of vintage tools and saws
and then a hurricane came through and the saws bought her a nice new ford excursion paid for complements of the saws
I think I'm onto something here. Told the wife yesterday I was going to cut wood today. "But your saw is still in the shop". "I'll use my spare" "oh"

Now up till then I had thought she knew about 2 of them and I was careful that she never saw all three. So she seems to have forgotten and thought I only had one. Does that leave me an opening for a 4th given a few months for her to forget again?

Off to the woods in an hour with the 041 and Husky 51.

Harry K
This is a funny thread, but also pathetic.

You guys who would choose being able to buy something with no complaints over having a woman in your life need help.

On the other hand, if having a woman in your life means having to put up with ?????ing and whining, you settled for the wrong one.

Alot of them only act like spoiled little princesses because we let them. Think about what retirement will be like living with a despot when she no longer looks good in that nightey! That`s why so many guys die within two years of punching the clock for the last time, it`s an escape. :laugh:

since my birthday is coming up my wife asked me what i wanted?.......then said she wished she knew more about saw's to get me something i really wanted.

so i said i'll give her marky's and ed's phone # to let them stir her in the right direction.
Told her I was thinking about the Dolmar, but didn't really NEED it, just got a grumpy look. Bough the saw anyway. :) When she gets really grumpy, I just remind her that she can only ride one horse at a time, not not 13! I have to be careful though, her "collection" is down to 9, and dropping. Was using the 34 super to do a bunch of trimming around the horse pasture, whined a little about sore forearms,saw's a little big and heavy for that job, and she said "Well what's one the right size worth?" Never know what I'll get for christmas.................
You guys who actually USE your saws have to dance around how many saws you have :p ? I rarely use a saw, but my wife knows more or ;) less ;) how many saws that I have. I do sometimes make little comments such as "You know, you have some pretty nice electric guitars, but I never see you playing them." And she knows that I buy older saws needing TLC, and that I don't put a lot of money (relatively speaking)into repairing them.

All things considerred, we keep it cool :cool: between us. In my 18+ years of marriage, that's what it's all about, right?
Guitars? Only two acoustics left here. 1 piano, 6 trombones, two trumpets, and a french horn though (Don't know what possesed me at THAT auction sale! :rolleyes: ) The horns are the same thing, right tool for the job. You can't play hard rock against amp towers on a gut string acoustic, can you? Can't cut a 4' diameter tree with a wild thing!
Well this has certainly started something. I've found that by staying with Stihls and Huskys my wife doesn't really notice if I have a new saw, they're generally in pieces and to her eyes generally orangey looking whenever she visits me in the shed.

She isn't really good on mechanical things, if asked what car we have she will answer "a black one"

Sold a saw today so it's now 8 to the wife and 11 actual.
PWB, my wife has been wanting a French horn, as well as an alto clarinet that we found for a good price at an antique mall, & a soprano sax we found at a pawn shop. I could buy a LOT of saws for what they want for the soprano sax, & several saws for the price on the clarinet. Big wants, small pockets.......

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