The Whining Thread

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Not when the only folks that have a job are bartenders, newspaper folks & gas pumpers.

We got some of that smoke a few days ago. Wind blew about 30 for 24 hr. Cleaned everything out.
Yeah, that is 30mph steady. Gusts don't count unless they blow trees over.
Year 2 on my Vibergs...Miserable bastards, but they have held up well and my feet still hurt like hell...worth it though, best boots I've had. White's/Nick's are junk.

Ain't nothing worse than hurtin' feet.

If boots or shoes are hurting my feet, they're not worth a red cent to me. Don't care how high the quality of the workmanship is.

Poor fit doesn't do anyone a bit of good for the long haul and damn sure doesn't do any good for your lower back.
These are supposed to be really good boots, Made in the USA. They'll be my next boot purchase: The Official Double-H Boots Website

Double H are good boots. I had a pair many years ago and got 7 years out of them before the neighbor's cat took a whiz on 'em.

They only have about 40 or 50 boots in their line that are actually made in the USA. Their square toe pull-ons seem to be a rising trend here. Mostly from the city slickin' folks that dress up like cowboys and drive the cleanest clothes and cleanest 1-ton diesel trucks with no scratches or scrapes at all.

If you get wellingtons, make sure they fit right - snug on your instep. They should "pop" on after a brief struggle.

My latest pair of wellingtons is these Irish Setter boots from Red Wing. After you sweat 'em out for a day or two they'll shrink a smidge.
83903 11-inch Pull-On Boot - Irish Setter Work
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Beach sand?

Dude how did you know? No actually the mechanic said it was our fault for not checking for sediment in the fuel tank at least once each year. However we are a half mile from the beach. We have to check the tides each day so we don't get stranded on an island.

Another day with no wasps. And...Cody, my son the Marine, joined us today. He finished his MOS school last week and after a delay of five days came home. He worked his tail off for four hours and never broke a sweat.

Anyway I hurt my good knee again today checking out the terrain for next week. I sitting in my reliner with ice on my knee while Cody is BBQing pork chops for the six of us. Oh and I am drinking a Coors light.

Gologit I hope you're keeping an eye on slowp. She is stirring it up in the OT forum. I think I've been bad influence on her.
Dude how did you know? No actually the mechanic said it was our fault for not checking for sediment in the fuel tank at least once each year. However we are a half mile from the beach. We have to check the tides each day so we don't get stranded on an island.

Another day with no wasps. And...Cody, my son the Marine, joined us today. He finished his MOS school last week and after a delay of five days came home. He worked his tail off for four hours and never broke a sweat.

Anyway I hurt my good knee again today checking out the terrain for next week. I sitting in my reliner with ice on my knee while Cody is BBQing pork chops for the six of us. Oh and I am drinking a Coors light.

Gologit I hope you're keeping an eye on slowp. She is stirring it up in the OT forum. I think I've been bad influence on her.

I think the boys in OT are safe tonight. Slowp went to the lawnmower races in Morton.
The various whackos, winos, dinos and dingbats will have full rein to rant, rave, froth at the mouth, and indulge in all their favorite paranoid fantasies without anybody injecting a little common sense and compassion into the discussions.

Take it easy on the knees. Knee replacements are expensive and hospital food just generally sucks.

Glad to hear your boy is home. Quit working him so hard. :laugh:
The boss told me before Cody came to work that I could not yell at him to work faster this year. He can way out work me but he still believes everything I tell. More or less. I think he is finding it hard not to swear.
Beach sand?

We had a bunch of pump failures last year due to newfangled CARB-approved fuel cans shedding plastic liner debris into fuel filters... then rusting and shedding rust as well. It got to where 10 hours between filter replacements was about normal. Ended up buying plastic cans between seasons. No fuel filter failures so far this season.
I killed one of those big monsters who actually took a chunk out of my leg while I was concentrating on hooking up a trailer. There was blood from me!:msp_mad:

Oh, and not on a landing--in my yard!

I know there everywhere, but this setting is bad! I have been getting bit at least four times a day.

View attachment 248886View attachment 248887
The start of the pile. I just wanted to see how
Many I actually killed in a day.
Man this job is friggin hard on the saws and saw chain. My MS260 lost a muffler bolt so the cover vibrated enough for the corner tab to break off. The cover fell off but the guy running the saw found it. It also broke the starter rope first thing this morning. The MS362 broke the brake handle. I have ten or so chains in my truck to shorten or grind.

The tractor got a flat today. Man those water filled tires are heavy. Next week we lose one of the main cutters. He broke his wrist in three places last weekend and has been pulling brush with one hand. The chipper ate two feed roller springs today. New springs are on order but I have no idea when we will get them. We are running with one spring instead of two.
I know there everywhere, but this setting is bad! I have been getting bit at least four times a day.

View attachment 248886View attachment 248887
The start of the pile. I just wanted to see how
Many I actually killed in a day.

They only eat a little bit. Thats how those buggers share the love. Commune with nature and let them feast. :clap: Or pull their wings off.
Almost got a new saw today... falling one that went sideways right over the power head! luckily it got hung up, pinched the bar and I could get the Wifey/choker setter, to hang on to the starter cord while I cut it free. Other wise a great day, even had a deer give me the "whats up" head nod from about 20' away...Had to start the saw to scare her away, she was standing where i wanted to fall trees...
Got sap off a piss fir in my eye today. Pretty sure I would rather have soap in it then sap. A whole new kind of hurt and a new experience I would rather not repeat.
I've got fever - 102 F this morning. That's not my whining, though. It just happens sometimes.

The complain is that had to pass a job because of the illness. They're widening a highway nearby. There's a nice set of spruces +40'' / + 100' that I knew where going down one of these days. The trees had my name on them. The day for those trees came today. And I was forced to say, no can do.

I've got fever - 102 F this morning. That's not my whining, though. It just happens sometimes.

The complain is that had to pass a job because of the illness. They're widening a highway nearby. There's a nice set of spruces +40'' / + 100' that I knew where going down one of these days. The trees had my name on them. The day for those trees came today. And I was forced to say, no can do.


I've got fever - 102 F this morning. That's not my whining, though. It just happens sometimes.

The complain is that had to pass a job because of the illness. They're widening a highway nearby. There's a nice set of spruces +40'' / + 100' that I knew where going down one of these days. The trees had my name on them. The day for those trees came today. And I was forced to say, no can do.


Damn, what a bummer!!