The smoke has returned...cough cough.
I walked a sale yesterday. Miserable steep ground, buck brush, slick rock, manzanita, poison oak and a crappy stand of white fir dog hair that hadn't ever been thinned. That was the good part.
We're still dry here and the critters are moving to what little water there is. I high-stepped six rattlesnakes in about an hour, all of them close to a little spring and a mudpuddle.
Six rattlers...and those were just the ones I saw.
I passed on bidding the sale, too.
I need a new hatband...just kinda throwin that out there......
No rain here.... the well at my friends ranch is 240 feet deep...its going dry,no water pressure at all. Luckily my hay guy has agreed not to raise my prices this year because we always pay him on time....its going from 8-12 dollars a bale at the sales. I sure hope we get some moisture soon.
Come on out, I'll show you right where to go.![]()
What? No thinner in the shop? Oh, and the seasonals took my paint guns? And killed the leather cups? And I'm out? And the credit card isn't turned back on again yet because yesterday was the beginning of the Fiscal Year?
Guess I won't be marking anything today. Oh, well. Least I have a jillion other projects that need attention.
(fun fact: in 6th grade I lost a city-wide spelling bee in the final round with the word "jillion". I spelled it with a "g". Who knew that was an actual word?)
Im not scared of rattlesnakes as long as I can see them and count them with a 12 gauge.
I'm not skeered of rattle snakes neither. I'm skeered of what will happen if they bite me.
And as far as leathers? Switch to the Treecoder paint guns. Not so many parts to them and they work just as well, if not better than the Nelson guns. I was converted by the Arizonians to the Treecoder way. Even I can disassemble and reassemble a Treecoder. I am baffled by the Nelsons.
I have a Treecoder. Don't like it. Flimsy build quality, longer trigger pull. I have the Nelsons figured out. Modded one to put the 3-finger trigger on a metal handle. It's the way to go.
I'm not skeered of rattle snakes neither. I'm skeered of what will happen if they bite me.
I like the way the Treecoder chews through the chunky paint and it puts a very nice stripe on the trees. If I still had one, I might have to challenge you to a paint gun duel. Nelsons are wimpy and clog up easily.