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Think I might need a new crummy, or worse yet take it to a real mechanic:msp_scared:
A fate worse than death.
Think I might need a new crummy, or worse yet take it to a real mechanic:msp_scared:
Here's a pic of Cody after we worked on the log jam last week. Not much to see but the mess was a big mousetrap. Every time we cut something the whole pile shifted. We will head down tomorrow to see it clear out during the last high water flow.
Will it burn? Or would that upset the greenies?
A wooden crate some caps from Dupont all gone.
34 degrees wind blowing a good bit making the rain/slush go sideways and I walk out to the road to get my morning news paper in boxers and t shirt wasn't the best idea I ever had :msp_biggrin:
That's what happens when rednecks fron North Carolina congregate somewhere. They do stupid things.
Just watch any football game at Chapel Hill...all those Southern Belles, ####faced drunk.