Their ignorance is sad. That area can be logged, and any good trees left behind, or it will all burn up. The owls certainly have no habitat when it all burns up.
I think we have to either get very loud, like they did, or concede that the federal lands will no longer be managed. I hope there is enough timberland to keep everybody working on state and private lands.
In my fair state, the newcomers don't realize that the state forest lands are trust lands for financing education. They need to be reminded regularly. Otherwise, those acres will be locked up--except for recreational use.
Pretty sad is right.
I go to all of the meetings that I possibly can. What I've found is that the Forest Service has a lack of "intestinal fortitude" when it comes to opposing the so-called environmentalist. I've been told that "it's just not worth it" to oppose the enviro's. My opinion is that if they can't do their job then maybe it's not worth it to send out pay checks.
Right now they have a wildlife biologist who is working well with the timber folks and they even have proposed some small clearcuts. But the kibosh was put on that when the retired wildlife biologist got wind of it and either appealed the sale or threatened to.
Broke my damned glasses agin. That's the third time in a year, and every time they've broken in the same way -- clean fracture right in the middle of the bridge across nose. I wonder what I'm doing wrong?
(I mean, other than being a fiber puller)
No bones rubbing together stories, please. It has already been a rather disruptive evening here.
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