Man NHlocal that's impressive. What did it take you to learn that, and what did you have to purchase, how much, ect to do an eye splice? share the secrets man!

I was encouraged to learn it by one of the guys over on the Tree House site. He suggested
a couple videos. What's really impressive is all the information available for anyone who wants
to learn how. This one video in particular got me started down "the road to splicing rope"..... :hmm3grin2orange:
This video shows Double Braid rope. When I watched it I was thinking, "I know I can do that", so I did.
I'm hooked for sure now.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Now the splices in the pics I just posted are on 16 strand rope. I was told it was a "difficult" rope to splice.
It wasn't easy that's for sure but, I followed the video and it came out just like the video showed(of course
the video showed a 5" eye and mine are both "tight eyes"). My first fids were made out of (believe it or not

knitting needles. A good friend from Tree House sent me some good wire and I made a couple different
length wire fids which have been a huge help. I'm starting to ramble so, here's the 16 strand video.....
Come on over to Tree House or search splicing threads here, there's loads of great information to be had.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Now the whipping/lock stitching is another whole part of it, but if you're going to splice you need to learn that also.
Search/Google for the tools you need, if I try to list 'em I'll miss some for sure. Watch those videos, but I warn you,
once you start there's no stopping..... :hmm3grin2orange: