The working man, and chainsaw thread!!!!!!!!!

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Yes Randy, I have been having trouble with the site, too.
I have not been getting notifications of new posts ever since the site was hacked.
The last few days have not been able to even access the site.:msp_mad:
You are not alone.


I really appreciate you answering back on that. I even went as far as "resetting" my computer
(I forget what the term/process is)thinking my laptop picked up a virus. I forgot all about the site
getting hacked, that explains a lot..... ;)
I'm gonna re subscribe to this thread and see if I get new post updates, I didn't get this one. I just logged
in to see if there were any new posts.
I'm two weeks out of hernia surgery and was back at work today. It was quite a challenge, still very uncomfortable,
and still some pain. But better and better each day. :D
And wouldn't you know, went and looked at two more trees after work that a co worker's sister wants taken down. Gave
a bid and it was accepted on the spot. Yes, I did say I was just 2 weeks out of hernia surgery. And no, I'm gonna be cutting
in the "immediate" future(I'll wait at least 4 or 5 more days :hmm3grin2orange:). I "may" do some
"light" cutting this Saturday.....
Here's a couple pics of what I looked at today after work.....

Hemlock on the left and the Beech on the right, nothing too difficult.....

That's me sizin' up the Beech.....


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Hey guys hit and miss on the site working lately. Hope this gets straightened out soon for everyone.

Here is a picture of a trunk that I took down earlier this week. Tree was around 45' tall and 20' from the house. It was at its thinnest only an inch thick. Standing dead maple

Our area was hit hard tonight with tornados. One was within five miles of our town and said to be one mile wide. Rough night for a lot of people. major property damage everywhere. Phone has not rung yet but I'm known in my home town but not that far out from here. Will see tomorrow if it rings. I have stuff lined up in the morning to help at a friends house where I guess they have branches poking through the home. Will get pictures if I can.

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Here is what TallGuy and I took on this morning. Friends house.



The neighbors house was hit worse. I'm not set up tax wise etc to be cutting in SD so I helped the friend and left. I was told there were houses in there that had been pushed off foundations. Did not do any site seeing. Got in and out as quickly and safely as we could.

Ask TallGuy if he knows where my vehicle keys are?

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WOW! That doesn't look good. I 'spose it could've been a whole lot worse. :(
What was that? You lost your keys?!? That's not good. :msp_thumbdn:
Good to hear you're busy and safe.
I'm still not getting updates for new posts. This is the first time in a few days
I've logged in(pun intended:hmm3grin2orange:) to check for new posts. I also
hope they get it taken care of ASAP.
I "seem" to be recovering quickly from my surgery, but now is when I have to be
really careful. I tend to jump in and go 100%, but right now I know I need to let my
body get healed up so I don't go through it all over again. I "might" do some "light"
cutting next weekend, we'll see what happens.

Got some more video edited/uploaded, take a look and let me know what you see/think.....

Here's part 1.....

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

.....and here's part 2.....

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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Tallguy when I was up on the roof I asked him to move my vehicle and he sat the keys on the seat and somehow locked the doors by accident. My wife was gracious enough to bring out the extra set to me as all the big saws were locked up in the vehicle.

Cut at this farm for a little while. It made me very nervous as there were way to many people running saws that were large and they had never run stuff that big before. I knew the owners and asked them what they wanted done and they said only cut what absolutely has to one guy was running around with a 660 knocking over every big tree he could get it into like a little kid playing. Not good so I left.

This place is five miles from my home



Several homes were wiped out. This one was destroyed

I doubt I will really see any benefit from the storm in way of work but one never knows. There will be stumps to remove if people are willing to have them ground out.

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everyone has the right intentions to get stuff done , but when you have 10 people running around at one place with chainsaws with dull chains and force cutting stuff things are going to get bad.

One guy made multiple attempts to notch a tree (locust) and I stopped him and said to let me finish it and even though it was blowing the direction he wanted the tree to go it had no leaves left to assist it falling that way and all the weight was on the opposite side of the notch he made. I wedged it and left some holding wood and had one of the bobcats help ease it over the right way. That one had the potential to hurt him and others.

As they were dropping trees people were driving into the site and no one was trying to stop them.

Hopefully nobody gets hurt through this all.

I noticed a few purple saws out there.

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Happy 40th buddy!!!

WOW! 40 years young. I left you a Happy Birthday on your facebook page yesterday but I'll say it again here,

Been kind of a pain not getting new post notices ever since the sight got hacked, seems to be getting better.
Hope you had a great birthday Norm.
HEY!!! Looks like AS has come back from "the dead", WOOHOO!!! Hope all you "working men(and women)are still "checking in"
from time to time.....
Really glad to be able to get back in/on and see what's what.
Don't know/remember if I posted these and if I did whether or not anyone got to see 'em, some work I did a few weeks ago.....

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