The working man, and chainsaw thread!!!!!!!!!

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"Yard work....."

Nice to meet you Shaun! Yep agree with you and Sam, the 372 is very handy I love it! And mine I use a 365 too quite a bit at work Shaun and it is pretty impressive. Jim good pics man good coaching. Yeah I guess that is why the muscle class 6 cube succeded so well Jim. I never met a faller yet who could run a 84-880 75-76 3120 or 09 all day in timber, Maybe they are out there.
...Hello Norm!, been quiet for a while, recovering from a bad cold. :frown: We're getting sunshine and temps in the 80's,
a taste of summer. :msp_thumbsup: I had a couple of widow makers in my back yard about 40 - 50 feet up. I didn't get any pics
of the first one I took out but my wife got some video of the second one, it's gonna take a little time for me to put it
together but I'll post it as soon as I can...we have neighborhood children that play in the woods so I wanted to get them
down as soon as I spotted them. :msp_ohmy:
Work safe. ::thumbsup::
Bore cutting a pocket from the top end, this is so the electrican can draw a concelled wire for some recessed led lights in the face of the post. The bar is 33 inch and then I marked out the post and drilled, from the face, back up towards the bore pocket at 45 degrees. This was because we wanted to bring the light down as far as possible, and I felt we would not be able to get anything around a 90 degree bend:



Finished product: If you look closely you will see the cable coming out of the drilled hole in the face of the post for the LED.


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Should be heading back out this weekend, will try to remember to snap some pics, when the timber is hitting the ground it is hard to remember that I have a camera.
Ayuh, there's something about the sound of the saw cutting and the smell of wood chips and 2 stroke smoke.....
everything else kinda fades into the background, :biggrin: not to mention concentrating on safely putting all that
wood on the ground right where you want it. :msp_thumbup:
Work safe. ::thumbsup::
Bore cutting a pocket from the top end, this is so the electrican can draw a concelled wire for some recessed led lights in the face of the post. The bar is 33 inch and then I marked out the post and drilled, from the face, back up towards the bore pocket at 45 degrees. This was because we wanted to bring the light down as far as possible, and I felt we would not be able to get anything around a 90 degree bend:



Finished product: If you look closely you will see the cable coming out of the drilled hole in the face of the post for the LED.



serge thats some dangerouse work going on there mate, i know of a morticing tool (mortice safe) which fits a chainsaw bar and has 2 dogs that stick into the end where you want to pierce. that looks terrific tho and a great finish on the building
Thanks Neil, I was a bit worried as I really am just a novice. The first one went like a dream, just offered the tip up on a slight angle, started to bore and leveled out as I fed it in....smooth as. (I had been watching Will's Au racing vids haha) The second one I didnt level out early enough, which gave the pocket more room and the bar bucked a little. I just took it steady as she goes so to speak.

What is the cutter on this mortising tool? How far into the post/log will it go? We looked at making some drill bits, my mate had an engineering shop and is very clever. But there were a few problems with drilling. #1 we could not garrantee that the drill would drill straight in the heart wood, #2 It was very likely anything we made would break. And #3 It would be very hard to drill the side/face hole and meet the end hole. Boring with the bar made a 3-4inch wide pocket that we couldnt miss with the side/face hole haha. The sparkie got the draw wire through first go each post....he was happy
Thanks Neil, I was a bit worried as I really am just a novice. The first one went like a dream, just offered the tip up on a slight angle, started to bore and leveled out as I fed it in....smooth as. (I had been watching Will's Au racing vids haha) The second one I didnt level out early enough, which gave the pocket more room and the bar bucked a little. I just took it steady as she goes so to speak.

What is the cutter on this mortising tool? How far into the post/log will it go? We looked at making some drill bits, my mate had an engineering shop and is very clever. But there were a few problems with drilling. #1 we could not garrantee that the drill would drill straight in the heart wood, #2 It was very likely anything we made would break. And #3 It would be very hard to drill the side/face hole and meet the end hole. Boring with the bar made a 3-4inch wide pocket that we couldnt miss with the side/face hole haha. The sparkie got the draw wire through first go each post....he was happy

serge, its called mortice safe, from inventer steve sneddon from nsw. Sneddon fencing 49964504 or 0427548007 or he has a website. steve is a good bloke, i know him well and he has some good stuff he has designed and made.

the atachment won't let it go very far inside the end but it will go in nice and safe far enough for you get a longer bar into without worry of kickback. give em a call and tell them you know me, then he may charge you more hahaha, no he will mail you off one.
This is what it looks like Serg.


It surprises me that I've never seen a fencer up here using one.

I was looking at his cant hook/log roller a few years ago but bought a Davis Starlifter instead.
i just rang snedden fenceing for you and they have the mortice safe in 2 sizes,,,, better one is $199.00 including gst and the post to the gold coast is round $12.00.
she is sending me some details ect via email, which i will send to you.
in your hands now..
hEY MY FRIENDS! hOW ARE YOU ALL? oops capslock on but dam to tired to retype. Forgive me my pals. Missed ya been busy, and board dogged real hard this last weekend. Ran hard hardest in awhile got a nasty one. Boar about 200 dangerous on the dog side quick, lean and long winded. Just shy of 3 in teeth. We got em! I am back to the saw site! I would like to see the mortisen tool work not really understanding it?
my guess is the the teeth on the dawgs dig in to the timber and grip it, preventing the bar being shot up wards due to kick back. the guides and springs on the side allow for the bar to move into the bore cut while the dawgs remain on the face/outside....

just WAG
my guess is the the teeth on the dawgs dig in to the timber and grip it, preventing the bar being shot up wards due to kick back. the guides and springs on the side allow for the bar to move into the bore cut while the dawgs remain on the face/outside....

just WAG

you have the right idea mate, they work realy well as i've seen steve demonstrate them at shows, quick as also. His main market reason was for morticeing strainer posts for the stays. I will have a look and see if he has a demo vid on utube and post the link.
They may look a bit sissyish but i kid you not for what your doing end grain in hardwood, its a must......

good to hear from you,
hahahah had to suck en in and stay with it hey,,, they can get going and cover the countryside thats for sure. If i go piggin on the property here what i can't see or get a shot at lives for another day, i'm not as keen as you guys.....
Good deal Serge fine looking work too! Neil thanks good to hear from ya too! Yep some of them Boars hit us for overtime LOL!
Well I got to throw on the spurs today and take down two alders nice to break up the pruning and hedges
Hope all is good my friends. I have been worn out working in this rain, been wet and tired every day. And the time change off sets me, and we just switched back to our 4-10 schedule so getting up earlier well 345 actually. And longer days but friday's off are sweet in the summer! Hope to muster up some tree work had some inquiere's but no go yet.
Hope all is good my friends. I have been worn out working in this rain, been wet and tired every day. And the time change off sets me, and we just switched back to our 4-10 schedule so getting up earlier well 345 actually. And longer days but friday's off are sweet in the summer! Hope to muster up some tree work had some inquiere's but no go yet.

Take it easy norm, burning out sucks. Fridays off would be way cool.

I've work 8 hours a day, and for the last week and a half been putting in 3-4hrs after work rebuilding my boat trailer, needless to say, I'm tired, working till midnight at times. It wears a guy out. Today I cut the lawn, stacked some firewood and did a general clean up around the outside a bit, first nice sunny warm day in a long time.
a little firewood and three new test log's for the shop.
and a ugly pose back at the shop.
Well its been quite a while, but here is some pics from the current job that we are finishing up. I'll give you some back story before the pictures. Started last summer when we put a road in on the other end of the lots we had to cut. Turns out that road was unfit for a Pulp Truck do to another land owner and bad corners.

Luckily the other end of the lots was accessible via an old log road from the 70's. Problem is, this whole lot is a side hill (severe in places), and seems to always have water running somewhere. Took the Kobelco in, cleaned the ditches and used the muck in the road to level it out (very rocky and washed out from years of neglect). Eventually this all froze into a good road. Well we worked all winter with no problems. Then the whole job when to hell in a handbasket!

Lost our main skid road quick, loonnngg dugway road. Then our main truck road went. Brought in an old Treefarmer Forwarder that was built off of an Asplundh bucket skidder. Quite a handy machine, but then the road got so bad that even that was having issues.

Also got to break in my brand new 372 xp xt in here on this job.

Enough blabbering, heres the pics!


Skid Pile


Last Hill before the header.


Tree Farmer C6 Forwarder. 453 "Driptroit," Barko 40 Loader. Handy Unit.


New 372 with 24" bar. "Office shot"
Thanks Will same to you! Fraser you and me are alot alike, I rest my bars on my foot too, and not the ground! Great pics awesome saw! Rounder you took the words right out of my mouth. Upstateny great stuff, and pictures!