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Dennis,Your ability to apply make up is unsurpassed.Transforming yourself from `the the Osama bin Ladin look,to the 350lb porn star(I had no idea make up could add so much bulk) and that last picture ...well, I have no words for that last one.Anyway you had me thinking you were just into chainsaws.You ARE the MAN?
Hi there fellas.... how's it going? Lets not be so hard on our pal Denise... after all..... how was I to know what he meant when he said he wanted the wood put to him. I always understood that to mean someone who wanted a tractor trailer load of firewood.
Anyway, Greffard told me he had a good stand of Jack pine and all I saw were some measily lil pecker poles.
Hello there, I'm pretty new to this forum, so forgive me if I ask any basic questions about my saw, but I must say you are an outragious bunch.
Anyway, I just bought my first Poulan Wild Thing chainsaw and was wondering how to put the bar and chain on as I am not sure how it is done. Is it ok if I use a longer bar such as a 32"er for those bigger trees or do I need a larger saw such as a Husky 55?
John's brother John
There is no "right" way to install a saw chain. If you find the saw taking a very long time to cut a small branch simply turn the saw up-side down. I run a few of my Poulans this way as it discourages theft.
The Wild Thing will not run properly unless equipped with .404 full chisel non skip
John's brother John, where's your other brother Darryl?
So, John's brother John, how old are you? A couple weeks? Guess i herd right that those canadian fellers had perfected "human" cloning.

Never fear, the learning curve oughter be plenty steep.....

Best place fer that thart POOlan Wild Thing could be in yer bedroom........goes good with them purty cowboy booties...


No, I did!!! When I came to visit John last January. John made a run to the beer store & I laid her out on his butternut dining table & the rest is history.....Rick

Creep on loggin' I am stuck in front of the computer today doing my month end and bringing up some old, but good threads...most of them are off topic I notice though...maybe I should move them?? Naah..I think they are some of the roots of the AS chainsaw forum...
Dennis, what are trapping? I mostly water trap but it's been a bad winter for that here in NY. Lots of ice and snow. Critters are holed up and have been since X-mas.
we trap mostly Marten, but try for Wolvering, Lynx...otter...muskrats....but we just throw the trap in the water in the fall and pick it out when the ice leaves....doing a favor for the golf some snaring and legholds for coyotes...trying to learn to just call them....
Dennis, are there any fisher's in that part of the counrty? I haven't trapped them since the late 70's when the fur market was booming. I got as much as $210 for one back then. What are the martens bring now?

Ginger, your carpet looks coincidentally like Gypo's<font face="fixed">...</font>&nbsp; Got the same interior decorator or did he help you pick it out?

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