This wind!!!!

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50+ emergency calls over the past 48 hours. Everything from trees on houses and cars, to downed utilities:angry:

Maybe its because I'm tired but I can't get over the amount of stupid people there are in this world. Tree uproots, falls across road, smashes a brand new Camry, and the front porch of a house someone asks "what happened??" :bang: Get the chipper backed in, log truck in, cop shows up and says "you can't block the street like this!!!":bang: finally get to work, cutting big pieces and letting 'em fly (car already smashed anyway), guy walks right up to me holding his three year old son "he likes big trucks" (don't we all:laugh: ) thats nice, hope he got his common sense genes from his mom..............

o.k. enough ranting, the worst of it is over and the overtime will be in next weeks check!;)
Man, are some of you guys working in 40 mph gusts? Crazy! I was taught to never work when winds were at 20 or better. I've held to that and it seems like the way to go. I have read enough news stories about folks getting killed by falling limbs/trees during strong wind conditions to ever want to risk joining the list. If the trees fall, they'll still be there when things calm down, unless there are guys willing to risk their lives for the $$ right then and there. Be careful!
I regularly work in 30 mph, just hampers the tip climbing.

2 weeks ago it was 25* with 45 mph gusts, that was too much. That client believes in fine prunes to the tips of silver maples and the wind was blowing the polesaws around. Between that and shivering....

Upstate NY here 50 mls west of Syracuse.night before and yesterday got about 14 inches of sticky wet snow,lots of broken limbs getting some calls been slow so anything will help been a cold,wet,crappy spring so far here,hard to believe its halfway through April
We're even getting the wind out here, the tail of your nor'easter is smacking us in the chops. Its been blowing 30-40 since yesterday, will die down a bit then back up tomorrow.
Good bit of rain too, just enough to top off the tanks.
It got cold again, all the way back down to 60, just when spring was springing! No tree work till Friday, plenty of fibreglassing on the new boat instead.
Ding Dong: Storm Calling!

81 mph gusts at Cape E. 60 in Portland. 8 inches of rain in Sanford. 4.5 inches of Rain in Portland. You couldn't get anywhere, either because of downed lines or flooded roads. All on Monday. No idea what today's highs and totals were yet. Just got back from today's rotation.

Gotta grab that four hours of sleep before it begins again tomorrow.

I got pics! Gotta figure out how to go from phone to photo. Not now. Too tired.


Damm...NJ to Goose Creek...Thats a long ride...It takes long enough from my house.

hell, it's only 9 - 11 hours down,,,,12 -14 back home,,,,, 750 miles,,, guess it takes longer going home ,,, because its up hill on the map!!!!!! LOL
I'm going to go and take down several red oaks on one lot tomorrow that were all either damaged or knocked down by the wind...It did more damage than I expected.
Sneeerious wind in NH (White Mountains)

I was in the White Mountains, NH Sat/Sun/Mon.
Monday AM, near Waterville Valley, I saw some of the highest winds I've ever seen. It was like Hurricane Gloria, the only one I've experienced.
Huge damage. Trees/wires/poles down on roads, power out, crazy.
Mature Pine and Fir were bending what looked like 45 degrees to horizontal.

Diltree - A charge in the market wouldn't kill me either.
Day One storm pics.

Just got released by the utility. Gawd, what a long week!

This was actually our second tree. The first was around 5:30 in the morning, and the camera phone doesn't do dark well.

View attachment 49642

We were waiting for the line to be grounded. I don't know if you can see the insulator in the road. Apparently other drivers couldn't see it, the wire or the tree. You wouldn't believe the number of people who tried to get by us and go thru. I hate having to get wet while explaining to morons certain simple laws of physics: two objects can't occupy the same space, and that tree isn't moving.

This was our next destination:

View attachment 49643

We had to divert once, on the way, because of a washout. We drove across one road that washed out moments behind us. And there's a HUGE HONKIN' PINE down about 100 yards after this one. Because of the washout, this was the only way out. Thank God, the town sent a loader to move the brush, or I'd still be there.

No more pictures of day one.

Someone, in the paper, tried to blame the widespread destruction on the utility's cutbacks in its vegetation control budget a few years ago. I don't think that, when trees uproot and fall from across the road, you can blame it on too infrequent line maintenance. But hey, that's just me.

I'm gonna go sit on my couch and watch the race now.

well,we got nothing.

just a couple of limbs and the top of a pine snaped off.a little flooding in areas where it always floods.nothing ever seems to happen here but murders and robbery.
We got released sat. night. Since monday morning my crew and I worked 102 hours on storm. Pics will follow in a separate thread. still exhausted, but the wallet is looking forward to friday.:blob2:

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