Ticks everywhere

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NickfromWI said:
Hmmmmm, never heard that one before.

You can find dozens of conflicting opinions on whether ticks can jump or not. But even if they can't jump, all you would have to do is brush up against or grab a leaf/branch that has a tick on it.

The point is, if you're really concerned, don't just spray your feet and legs and think you are protected.

Get some spray on with Permetherin (sp) and hang your clothes on the fence. Spray them down but don't breathe it. When you put your clothes on, tuck your pants into your boots and your shirt into your pants. Ticks always crawl up, never down. When they get on the Permetherin, they go about 12" and get sick. They fall off. Wear a white shirt if you can, they're easier to spot. That's how I was taught by the US Army. The Permetherin will be good for about 6 washings. I usually went 3. Lyme disease isn't anything to fool around with. We used to have to bag the ticks that got us for testing. The sooner you treat Lyme, the better but I didn't want to get it in the first place.
Some ticks cause lime disease, lime disease can kill or disable on its own and causes cancer too. Mild winters here lately, tick numbers very high.

In southern Oregon, our daughter's friend's dad got one on his back and needed medical attention for infection.

I had to pick off a couple while we were down there, but never got any up here in north Oregon.

That's one of the top 5 reasons why I wanted to move back to north Oregon. I hate ticks.
always kill the big bloated ones,"blood ticks", they are the mommas and will hatch thousands soon. step on them and pop them to keep more from coming.

not alot to do to protect against ticks. they just keep coming lol
Ah ticks. Back in VA nobody gave them much concern,(so many of them) But here in oregon people treat them like monsters that kill on contact. I could care less about ticks but some general house hold rules are check everynight with lighter in one hand and alcohol in the other. If you find a bulls eye where the tick bit you get to the doctor, that is the first sign of a lime disease tick bite. They are really nothing to worry about, just a pain in the ass.

but not all Lyme Disease cases show the target reaction, only 80% or something. It is a good call to get checked out regularily. Lyme disease can kill or severely dehabilitate
Lol, you are in for a treat!

I frikken hate ticks, sort of like rats, or VD, or my Ex's cooking, just stuff you deal with because its there. Nasty little buggers :(

:cheers: (in a tick free world)


One of the guys at work currently has lyme disease, he's had the bulls-eye for months, taken the antibiotics, but otherwise hasnt shown any other symptoms besides that persisting bulls-eye.
Ticks are everywhere where we work. And it is also the epicenter of ticks giving lyme disease. It is the ticks on deer and rabbits that have the lyme. They are the white ones. The black ticks are just annoying.

If you start seeing white ticks you got a problem and need to take care. Lyme disease is serious. I have a neighbor who got it and it went to his brain. He is now semi retarded.

If you see black ticks it's not really a problem as far as I have read. They just suck your blood and that's about it.

Just cover up, or pay attention and you should be OK. I am pretty hairy so I notice anything on me almost instantly and so far I have been safe. Just be aware. DEET doesn't hurt, but it does cause nerve damage so be careful with that as well.
I pulled one off today the billionth in my life. I hate them and chiggars
we have all the baster?s Seed, deer, brown dog etc. seed ticks stink!
100 % deet is effective and I also spray my yard with the strongest
stuff the farmers coop has.
...And can somone answer me this- why bother killing the tick you just pulled off you? I throw them in the back yard. There are trillions of them out there anyways, so is it worth it to kill this one?


YES ! After a sufficiently large blood meal, they go on to the next stage, eventually reproducing. That's where your trillions are coming from.

Kill when you get the chance. It ain't like fishing, you don't want to do "catch and release".
im pretty sure "seed ticks" refers to a nest of "baby ticks". am i right on this??

Yep. They get bigger and go through different stages of life cycle. I haven't done my research here, just going on memory: 4? "instars" or stages of development. AT least one blood meal with each change.

They hang out on foliage and drop onto critters when they pass. I have read that they can jump, but I have never seen it done. Although... just last weekend, my brother-in-law had one jump onto his pants (presumably from a nearby tree) while he was sitting on the front porch. Quite the jump, even if it was downhill most of the way.

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