Timber Fallers, Do You Understand This?

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I swear this thing makes errors of its own. I know I do some, but its excessive. If I had money I'd destroy smart phones for pleasure. And aside from momentary episodes, I'd kill them in front of best buy so the tech folks could watch. The cursor alone on this thing makes me so angry. It WILL NOT WILL NOT go where you put it. It has some orange dot below it and a little magnified window to see where it is, but I'd have to quarter saw my pinky finger to have enough accuracy to use it. Just a minute ago I accidentally typed about 6 letters of gibberish and it refused to "Plow",(i added the parenthesis, but I typed Allow and it wrote plow, no kidding.) .me to erase it. The damn thing doesn't recognize the word "fir".
As I was typing just now, talking trash about it and it started lagging and getting dumb. So much effort to make things cunning and techie, easy and helpful, and it just makes chit harder for me at least.
This paragraph alone required probably 5 minutes of ####ing around with cursor. Starr a sentence behind the last one and all but the first letter are at the beginning of the text. Sitting here explaining the problems as they appear, I bet I could go on and on just documenting the problems that occurred while trying to document previous ####ups. And no smartphone, I dis not mean to type "duckups", jeeeeeesasss

No period to end at jeeeez cause the cursor won't Allow it. It just goes on and on.
I swear this thing makes errors of its own. I know I do some, but its excessive. If I had money I'd destroy smart phones for pleasure. And aside from momentary episodes, I'd kill them in front of best buy so the tech folks could watch. The cursor alone on this thing makes me so angry. It WILL NOT WILL NOT go where you put it. It has some orange dot below it and a little magnified window to see where it is, but I'd have to quarter saw my pinky finger to have enough accuracy to use it. Just a minute ago I accidentally typed about 6 letters of gibberish and it refused to "Plow",(i added the parenthesis, but I typed Allow and it wrote plow, no kidding.) .me to erase it. The damn thing doesn't recognize the word "fir".
As I was typing just now, talking trash about it and it started lagging and getting dumb. So much effort to make things cunning and techie, easy and helpful, and it just makes chit harder for me at least.
This paragraph alone required probably 5 minutes of ####ing around with cursor. Starr a sentence behind the last one and all but the first letter are at the beginning of the text. Sitting here explaining the problems as they appear, I bet I could go on and on just documenting the problems that occurred while trying to document previous ####ups. And no smartphone, I dis not mean to type "duckups", jeeeeeesasss

No period to end at jeeeez cause the cursor won't Allow it. It just goes on and on.

just as I suspected, no need for me to get one of those.
Tapatalk is much easier to use than the browser for AS on a smart phone. It's been the best $2 I spent.
Read some posts from your link Patty. Keep up the good fight. Bob and Owl too! I don't have time for that sort of forum and sadly not much time for here anymore with work. Anyhoo as a side note the guy that posted the pics of the Colonel Bob trail cleanup was cool, the trail is actually the Pete's Creek trail that goes up on Colonel Bob. First pics I've seen of the cleanup. I just wanted to say that the Back Country Horsemem did alot of that work especially with the blowdown. They got the go ahead to use chainsaws in the wilderness and one of the members is a retired faller that went to school with my dad. He told him he had to go through the training course and get "certified"... quite ridiculous considering that he or Bob, Owl, Pac or any experienced faller could teach that course and no doubt do a better job.

Give em hell Boys!
Read some posts from your link Patty. Keep up the good fight. Bob and Owl too! I don't have time for that sort of forum and sadly not much time for here anymore with work. Anyhoo as a side note the guy that posted the pics of the Colonel Bob trail cleanup was cool, the trail is actually the Pete's Creek trail that goes up on Colonel Bob. First pics I've seen of the cleanup. I just wanted to say that the Back Country Horsemem did alot of that work especially with the blowdown. They got the go ahead to use chainsaws in the wilderness and one of the members is a retired faller that went to school with my dad. He told him he had to go through the training course and get "certified"... quite ridiculous considering that he or Bob, Owl, Pac or any experienced faller could teach that course and no doubt do a better job.

Give em hell Boys!

There has actually been talk on that forum that maybe the FS should designate a week each year for chainsaw use in they wilderness. Crosscut work is so darn slow. But, I'd also want a chainsaw and gear carrying sherpa/horse/goat/llama or mule. Or, I wonder if travois are legal in the wilderness? A Used Dog pulling a travois would be hmmmmmm interesting and knowing him, he would sit down in protest and not move after a while unless I had a tennis ball on a stick in front of him. Hmmmm. Travois and dogs are the old way so should be legal.

But, a pair of real fallers could clear out a heck of a lot of trail and I'd volunteer to be a sherpa.
I could maybe pack in a few miles for a job like that, get someone to pack my water or saw gas, drag along a spare bar and a couple chains shouldn't be to bad, I know I would regret it for a week or so after, but it would be worth it. If it was day tripping anyway, overnight means a whole lot more weight to carry... fud, shelter, sleeping bag, cooking stuff... beer... more beer... and likely three times the water.

The bonus would be getting all the yuppie gurls to start swearing and telling dirty jokes by the time the day was done...:msp_wink: