Is this on planet Noproblemos?![]()
You know... Rope... you never fail to amuse me!
Is this on planet Noproblemos?![]()
I don't care where you live... a cord is a cord.
Calling a "face cord" a cord is like calling a yugo a 1-ton pickup truck. It isn't, and never will be. If you want to brag about production rates, at least use proper measuarable terms!
And your basis for competition is flawed. Allowing "any reasonable length (14-20")" isn't a fair competition. the range between 14" and 20" means that some people will be cycling their splitters 6" in and 6" back more on each stroke than others. Set a length... say 16" (since 3 rows 4'high x 8' long would equal a CORD)... and stick to it... anything under 16" is disqualified... anything over is a waste of splitter time. Let's face it, the 4x200m relay uses FOUR people.. not 3-5 people....
Nice video, fast splitting, but I personally don't want to run a splitter that has an automatic forward lever, I like my hands and fingers too much!!!
That might not be a fair comparison because log diameters makes a HUGE difference in processing time. 20" logs have a different processing time than 6-8" logs do. Night and day difference.
Yeah, check this video. Right at the 20 second mark, he almost loses a finger, and doesn't even seem to know it! :jawdrop:
Maybe, just maybe, it depends on what you're splitting. Methinks the SS wouldn't do so well with 36" oak crotches, but might just smoke a TW-6 with 10 straight pine.
Didn't somebody say something about matching the tool to the wood? So, maybe, there's no such thing as THE best splitter? And maybe not even, THE Fastest Splitter?
Maybe, just maybe, it depends on what you're splitting. Methinks the SS wouldn't do so well with 36" oak crotches, but might just smoke a TW-6 with 10 straight pine.
Yeah, check this video. Right at the 20 second mark, he almost loses a finger, and doesn't even seem to know it! :jawdrop:
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There ya go.
Just in case anyone has not seen this before. It makes "big wood" a moot point.
Just in case anyone has not seen this before. It makes "big wood" a moot point.
I'd like to see "The Great Woodsplitter Challenge." People could enter with any machine they wanted. The rules would be simple. Start with any pile of rounds they wanted, big, small, random, whatever. Next to the splitter would be a rack, 4' across the bottom, 4' high sides and a top so as to settle the overfill issue. This would be made out of 2x4s or some other materials, but would hold a set amount of wood that any contestent could build. Lengths should be reasonable ranging from 14" up to 20" depending on the contestent's choice.
Then the games would begin. The contestent would have a witness or more preferably a video camera trained on the rack and the splitter and the time needed to fill the rack would be recorded. Videos would be preferred, but I could also go with a clock attached to the rack and a start and end picture recorded showing the clock times. Time stamps on the photos would also verify the time needed to fill the rack.
Just like the "rounds vs splits, which takes up more room" debate, I am willing to do my part to put this darn issue to rest once and fer all.
The dude or dudette that can verifiably fill their rack the fastest gets to claim "Fastest Woodsplitter on AS." We could even have two categories, machine and hand split.
Anyone game? I got Davec's SS and a nice random pile of wood for the SS data point. I got video and still cameras to so as to keep my side honest.
I'm a little late to the party, but I agree with Curly....the only way to settle this crap is with a splitter challenge! I vote we assemble a large collection of woodsplitters in my yard and have the "split-off". I'll supply the wood. I've got plenty of sticks to split up of various species and size. We could start with stuff under 16 inches...and move our way up to the nasty yard trees.
Angelo can bring the SS, someone else the TW-5/6 and we can run them against my Built-Rite 24 and any other machine that comes along.
Who would want to go to NJ it was the most unfriendly state I ever been in. I do see some examples of good folks on here from there but I really did not like your state. PS: no offense meant to you btw.
Rope, no offense taken....however, I live in the nice part of Jersey...the part with trees!