ArboristSite Guru
The super split looks great if all your wood is straight 16"-18" dia logs.
HAHAHAHAHA.......obviously you havent run one.
The super split looks great if all your wood is straight 16"-18" dia logs.
HAHAHAHAHA.......obviously you havent run one.
ok then.im gettin a TW-5 tatooHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..........I have run one, great for 16"-18" straight wood and big wood thats been quartered up on the TW-5. Like I said I'll stick with the TW-5 and a multi-wedge.
ok then.im gettin a TW-5 tatoo
we are talking about similar splitters in the two series. The TW-5 is over $6000. and it's a 10 second cycle as advertised on the timberwolfs web site not 9, and the super split is 2.5 seconds as advertised on super splits web site not 3.5 not many guys on here are buying a tw-5, I don't think.
i been lookin,cant find one yet.No, it's not that good. I'd go with the naked lady.![]()
I guess it's not a fair comparison. How much is a super split?
Yes that is a good video and I share your curiosity about a 4 way wedge.
My hydraulic splitter with it's 4 way wedge is faster and a lot less work for the operator. If each piece of wood only needed split in half then the super splitter would be a winner. Seeing the work done by the operator on the larger pieces that needed to be picked back up and run by the ram a second time hurt to watch.
4+4+4+4+4 piles up much faster than 2+2+2+2+2.
not many guys on here are buying a tw-5 said:I liked the V-twin, so I went with a tw-6, works good. My back likes it, 36" oak round no problem.
How many cords a day can you do at 15-20 min a cord? Since I do 16" wood and split it small I haven't been able to get thru that much wood that fast. I've done a 16" cord in just over a half hour but I can constantly do 8 cord a day.
I split a ton of elm last year with the SS, yes its slower but does just fine, I quartered most of it with the saw just to lift it. Most 13 sec. hydraulic splitters won't have 13 sec. cycle time in elm when they kick down to 2.5gpm.
I can't wait to get a 4 way on my SS!
This is a little video of my SS.
i got a tw5 with hydro log lift and 6 way wedge. i know for a fact the ss could not do what this machine can do. and the cycle time is down to around 7 sec
Nice video, fast splitting, but I personally don't want to run a splitter that has an automatic forward lever, I like my hands and fingers too much!!!
One thing I can't figure out is I have never heard of or read of anyone that wasn't delighted with their SS. So why hasn't the SS (Kenetic energy splitter)nearly replaced the hydraulic splitter? I really want to try one but won't buy one till I try it first. Anybody in central Ohio have one?
I am by no means defending the SS but I'll bet it costs less than half the TW5. Heck a guy could write in here his processor will blow us all away but again that would be comparing a 30K+ machine to a 3-6K machine. As with anything it cost more to faster.
I bet it has to do with the fast cycle time being dangerous, lack of being able to tow it easily, and the price. It is hard to convince someone they need a 3k splitter when they can get the "top of the line" splitter at TSC for about half.
These are the treads that I like to see. At the moment, I'm planning to drop the dough for a SS in May. The thought of a 4 way timberwolf tw2 has me questioning my decision a little bit. Can the SS be all that is cracked up to be? I hope so because I want to own this thing for 20+ years.:biggrinbounce2: